Oval Office 2008: "New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson and former Virginia Democratic Governor Mark Warner spoke at an 'Emerging Issues Forum' at North Carolina State University this week and tried out "some of the political themes that some observers believe could help them win over voters in solidly Republican states such as North Carolina should they make runs for the White House in 2008," reports Associated Press, picked up here by Charlotte NBC affiliate WCNC-6."
Oliver Willis: "Yesterday John McCain wrote a snarky letter attacking Senator Barack Obama for not being a part of one of the right's phony-baloney 'let[base ']s study the issue until everybody forgets about it' committees. Today Sen. Obama wrote back to McCain saying essentially - hey, if you want to actually get something done instead of jawbone it - support this bill almost all the Dems are supporting."
Category: Colorado Water
7:18:12 AM