Daily Kos: "The most famous force in creationism started out as a creationist himself, but he did not remain so for long. He was born in the year 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. For a time he may have professed some variant of Old Testament literalism. At one point he even considered becoming a parson. But as a young man, his love of science soon over took him like a raging fever, and his course was set to become a naturalist. At various times he studied geology, zoology, medicine, and biology. At the age of 22, still unfulfilled and restless with youth, he took advantage of a chance offer to sail the exotic south Pacific seas on a ship called the H.M.S. Beagle. From that vantage he recorded many amazing species. Upon his return five years later, he carefully, methodically, compiled mountains of data from his trip and through further investigation while marshaling his thoughts. Over the next two decades, he began to write down his findings and ideas. On November 24, 1859, he formally published those thoughts in a book that would shake the scientific establishment, along with all of western culture, to the core: The Origin of Species. The book sold out within in minutes of hitting the shelves."
Today is the Darwin Day Celebration.
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
9:17:46 AM