Monday, March 12, 2007
Pollster.com: "Additional analysis from a recent Gallup national survey (analysis, video) of 1,018 adults (conducted 2/22 through 2/25) finds: More than 60% of Americans are very or somewhat worried that hurricanes will become more powerful and tropical diseases will become more prevalent as a result of global warming; 75% of Democrats, 34% of Republicans, and 59% of independents worry about global warming risks."
"2008 pres"
7:07:27 PM
Walter In Denver: "The NY Times has this story, warning of an impending implosion in the mortgage market, and of resulting troubles in the wider economy."
New West: "Think that the worst of the housing bust is over? Think again. Investment bank Credit Suisse released a report saying that losses from 'subprime loans' (i.e., mortgages taken out by home buyers with less than stellar credit histories) could top $10 billion over the next couple of years. 'The deepest housing decline in 16 years is about to get worse,' reports Bob Ivry of Bloomberg News."
"2008 pres"
6:50:50 PM
The Los Angeles Times "reg" is reporting that, "The National Association of Evangelicals has endorsed an anti-torture statement saying the United States has crossed 'boundaries of what is legally and morally permissible' in its treatment of detainees and war prisoners in the fight against terror.
"Human rights violations committed in the name of preventing terrorist attacks have made the country look hypocritical to the Muslim world, the document states. Christians have an obligation rooted in Scripture to help Americans 'regain our moral clarity.'"
Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:42:10 PM
Political Wire: "Rudy Giuliani has opened up a double-digit lead over Sen. John McCain, 34% to 18%, in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, a new CNN/Opinion Research poll finds. Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are each tied at nine percent in the poll."
The Right's Field: "Josh Marshall gives us a small taste of what we can expect from close looks at one of the many anvils hanging around Rudy Giuliani's neck: Bernard Kerik."
Pollster.com: "A new Rasmussen Reports automated survey of 783 likely Democratic primary voters nationwide (conducted 3/5 through 3/8) finds Sen. Hillary Clinton (at 38%) leading both Sen. Barack Obama (26%) and former Sen. John Edwards (15%)."
The Right's Field: "A video of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani surfaced on YouTube today where he spoke in favor of public funding of abortions for poor women. In the clip, then-mayoral challenger Giuliani expressed his opposition to then-President George H.W. Bush's veto of public financing for abortions."
Pollster.com: "A new Research 2000 statewide caucus of 600 registered voters in Nevada, including over samples of 400 likely Democratic caucus goers and 400 likely Republican caucus goers for a margin of error of plus or minus 5 for each (conducted 3/6 through 3/8) finds: Among Democrats, Sen. Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Barack Obama 32% to 20%; former Sen. John Edwards and former V.P. Al Gore tie at 11% each; Among Republicans, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani (at 38%) leads Sen. John McCain (18%) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (13%); In general election match-ups, Giuliani leads Clinton by 8 points (46% to 38%); other two-way match-ups pitting McCain and Giuliani against Obama, Clinton, Gore and Edwards are all within the margin of sampling error."
"2008 pres"
6:06:16 PM
Political Wire: "'In the months before announcing his bid for the Republican presidential nomination,' former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) 'contributed tens of thousands of dollars of his personal fortune to several conservative groups in a position to influence his image on the right,' reports the New York Times."
Captain's Quarters: "Michael Bloomberg, New York City's billionaire mayor, will consider a run for the Presidency as an independent if he feels the two major-party nominees are too extreme, according to a key ally. His deputy mayor also keeps talking up an outsider bid, even though Bloomberg won the mayor's office as a Republican."
Don Surber: "My theme right now is: Democrats are picking a presidential candidate, Republicans are picking a president. Fred Thompson is the latest contestant. He went on Fox News Sunday and did the Tennessee Waltz with Chris Wallace."
"2008 pres"
7:03:34 AM
Political Wire: "'The trickle of states moving their 2008 presidential primaries to Feb. 5 has turned into an avalanche, forcing all the presidential campaigns to reconsider every aspect of their nominating strategy -- where to compete, how to spend money, when to start television advertising -- as they gird for the prospect of a 20-state national primary day,' reports the New York Times."
"2008 pres"
6:55:18 AM

Here's an article from the Denver Post with scientist's observations of some of the effects of global warming. From the article, "Global warming, scientists say, is reshaping the landscapes in which they work, forcing some researchers to carry shotguns to fend off stranded polar bears and leaving others to watch once- vibrant coral reefs die. In Siberia, CU soil biologist Jason Neff has seen melting permafrost create sinkholes in tundra, which fill with murky water...
"Last month, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that the world is heating up and that it's 'very likely' the fault of people. Burning fossil fuels in power plants and cars releases heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the air.
Since 1900, the average global temperature has risen by about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit, the international team reported, and seas have risen by nearly 7 inches."
"2008 pres"
6:35:40 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:42:31 PM.