Monday, March 19, 2007

U.S. Congressman Mark Udall (via The Cherry Creek News): "The U.S. House of Representatives today passed a bill sponsored by U.S. Rep. Mark Udall (D-Eldorado Springs) calling for research and development of ways that water from oil and gas production could be used for agricultural purposes and to alleviate drought conditions. H.R. 902, The More Water and More Energy Act, passed the House unanimously and is backed by officials from the oil and gas industry and the Bush administration.
"Produced water is the water generated during oil and gas production. The U.S. generates over five million gallons of produced water per day. While this water can be and is used for agricultural purposes, most often it is handled as a waste and reinjected. Given the increasing demand for fresh water supplies in the west, Udall said it makes sense to consider how this water could supplement our water."
"colorado water"
6:35:19 PM
President Bush: "Good morning. Four years ago today, coalition forces launched Operation Iraqi Freedom to remove Saddam Hussein from power. They did so to eliminate the threat his regime posed to the Middle East and to the world. Coalition forces carried out that mission with great courage and skill. Today the world is rid of Saddam Hussein and a tyrant has been held to account for his crimes by his own people.
"Nearly 12 million Iraqis have voted in free elections under a democratic constitution that they wrote for themselves. And their democratic leaders are now working to build a free society that upholds the rule of law, that respects the rights of its people, that provides them security and is an ally in the war on terror..."
TalkLeft: "The House bill will not end the war in September 2008 as proclaimed. That simply is false. What it does do is fund the war until that date when the Congress will vote more money, as any sane person realizes they will, 2 months before an election."
Daily Kos: "Four years."
"2008 pres"
6:09:55 PM
Political Wire: "Iowa Politics reports former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson (R) will officially become a Republican presidential candidate on April 4."
Here's the mashup YouTube Obama attack Clinton ad. Hurry up a view it, we don't think Apple will allow it to be shown for long.
Poltical Wire: "'People chuckled when presidential candidate Mitt Romney, a Mormon raised in Michigan and elected in Massachusetts, bungled the names of Cuban-American politicians during a recent speech in Miami,' the Miami Herald notes, 'But when he mistakenly associated Fidel Castro's trademark speech-ending slogan -- Patria o muerte, venceremos! -- with a free Cuba, listeners didn't laugh. They winced. Castro has closed his speeches with the phrase -- in English, Fatherland or death, we shall overcome -- for decades.'"
The Right's Field: "John McCain's recent strategy to eschew major conservative events is coming back to bite him. He was booed repeatedly at CPAC -- and louder than any mentions of Hillary Clinton, Jane Fonda, and Cindy Sheehan, I might add -- and now he's walking into the buzzsaw of the Club For Growth."
"2008 pres"
6:07:15 PM
Dowbrigade News: "We've been hearing this crap for far too long. American education is going to the dogs. Test scores are down across the board, in Reading and Writing and Rithmatic. On a list of Average National Test Scores the US is stuck somewhere between Liberia and Lesotho.
"As an educator, parent and keen observer of youth culture, the Dowbrigade can testify to the ridiculous inaccuracy of these dire pronouncements. Kids today are beau coup smart.
"It's just that the standardized tests they're using aren't catching the overt manifestations of the skills and smarts that our kids are developing."
"2008 pres"
6:50:57 AM
Caucus Cooler: "A busy weekend for the GOP candidates here in Iowa."
Blue Mass Group: "Mitt, the candidate that keeps on giving. Here's Mitt with his wife by his side trying to portray his softer side during an interview with who appears to be Lisa Hughes. Mitt's quote on abortion: 'So when asked will I preserve and protect a woman's right to choose? I make an unequivocal answer, Yes.'" Thanks to The Right's Field for the link.
Captain's Quarters: "Rudy Giuliani responded yesterday to criticism for his indirect involvement to lobbying efforts on behalf of Citgo, the subsidiary of Venezuela's state-owned petroleum company. Speaking with reporters in Tampa, he shrugged off the issue, saying that his firm tried to protect American jobs in Texas."
Political Wire: "'Running a credible campaign for president has always required an elusive mixture of star power and experience,' notes the New York Times. 'But Barack Obama's strong challenge to Hillary Clinton and Rudolph W. Giuliani's recent surge past Senator John McCain in the polls raise an interesting question: How much does experience matter now in presidential politics?'"
"2008 pres"
6:45:02 AM
The Gavel: "On the fourth anniversary of the war, we all should take time to reflect on those who have made the greatest sacrifices - our troops and their families here at home. We salute them because of their courage and patriotism. American soldiers have done everything asked of them and we are forever in their debt."
Michelle Malkin: "It was a breath-taking, historic, and emotional day in Washington, D.C. You won't know it if you tune in to the usual MSM channels. But new media--bloggers, conservative documentarians, Internet activists, FReepers (giant thread here), citizen journalists, photojournalists, and talk radio hosts--turned out in full force to participate and cover the Gathering of Eagles counter-protest. Thousands upon thousands turned out despite freezing temperatures and hairy travel conditions. We met bikers who drove up all night from Huntsville, Alabama; a retired NYC firefighter who arrived here at 2am; college students who traveled from Massachusetts; a Vietnam veteran's wife who bought plane tickets at the last minute from San Francisco; and countless participants who arrived as part of Move America Forward's cross-country caravan.
"A pure, grass-roots effort, the Gathering of Eagles' volunteers matched the massive Soros-funded anti-war machine sign for sign, chant for chant, and marcher for marcher. The contrast was most stark right before the entrance to the Memorial Bridge, where Eagles gathered with a field of American flags--while anti-Bush, 9/11 conspiracy nuts wrapped themselves in a figurative blanket of yellow "Out of Iraq" placards. Several of the vets shouted, 'Yellow! How appropriate!' in between spirited chants of 'U.S.A! U.S.A!' While the classless Cindy Sheehan ranted profanely, the Eagles raised their voices in polite, but roaring disapproval and raised their American flags in answer to the ANSWER socialists' Che banners and peace pennants."
Thanks to Captain's Quarters for the link.
Oliver Willis: "On Meet the Press, they expressed their commitment to 'fair and balanced' debate by having on disgraced war supporter Richard Perle and indicted, deposed ex-congressman Tom DeLay against Admiral and Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak and Former Democratic Rep. Tom Andrews of Win Without War.
"The killing blow had Perle and DeLay lecturing ADMIRAL Sestak on military strategy. Cons so believe their own propaganda outlets like Fox that they believe that their word is the word of God, what they say is remade in reality, what they say counts and nobody else does. They believe this crap the same way fundamentalists believe their twisted interpretation of the Koran. It is two sides of the same whacked-out coin."
TalkLeft: "Four years ago, on March 19, 2003, the United States launched it war against Iraq. In his announcement speech, Bush said, 'We are going to apply decisive force. We are going to carry on our work of peace.' On March 21, mass protests occurred in the U.S. In San Francisco, 1,350 people were arrested. We're still there, fighting a civil war. More than 3,000 of our troops have died. Something is very wrong with this picture, and I say it's President Bush."
"2008 pres"
6:41:28 AM
Here's a report about Barack Obama's visit to Colorado yesterday, from TheDenverChannel.com. From the article, "One of the men who wants to be the next president of the United States made a campaign stop in the Mile High City Sunday night. Barack Obama's visit is just the latest in what appears to be an early push by candidates to connect with Colorado voters. Many say Colorado could be the key to winning the White House in '08. Democrats definitely have the momentum here with big victories in Colorado in '06, taking back the governor's mansion for one. But, the registration in Colorado still favors Republicans. And insiders say that makes it a battleground in '08...
"Obama's latest stop highlights the political importance of Colorado. And the man in charge of next year's convention, Mike Dino, says this is only the beginning."
Here's the coverage from the Denver Post. From the article, "Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama, portraying himself as the candidate for the common man, called upon hundreds of people in Denver on Sunday to shed their political apathy and embrace a movement to reclaim their government. The Illinois senator said he understood that people no longer had confidence in their elected leaders and that they believed 'government feels like a business instead of a mission.' His campaign, he told the roughly 1,500 people in attendance, is their campaign, and 'the country calls us.'"
"During the 30-minute speech that briefly touched on health care, education, energy and the economy, Obama received perhaps the loudest response when he spoke about the war in Iraq. Although he was not in office when the Senate voted to authorize the war, Obama has consistently been against it. 'It is a war that never should have been authorized,' he said to deafening cheers. 'We are less safe and have seen our standing in the world diminish.' He also took a direct shot at President Bush. Talking about a bill he is sponsoring that calls for troop withdrawal to be complete by March 31, 2008, Obama said: 'If George Bush doesn't listen, we're going to make him listen.'"
More coverage from the Rocky Mountain News.
"2008 pres"
6:07:04 AM
© Copyright 2009 John Orr.
Last update: 3/15/09; 12:44:18 PM.