Saturday, March 24, 2007
Daily Kos: "There's some level of nostalgia over the notion of a long, drawn out primary process in which Iowa and New Hampshire kick things off. This is supposed to help the Jimmy Carter-type underdogs 'build momentum' and give voters a chance to 'deliberate' over their decisions.
"In reality, of course, we had a system in which two non-representative states (IA and NH) decided our nominee last time, and they were gunning for the same 'right' this time around.
"The rest of the states aren't morons. They saw what was happening, and so many have moved up to the front of the pack that now we have essentially a national primary on Feb. 5. Is that a bad thing? I'd argue it's a fantastic thing."
"2008 pres"
7:57:40 AM
Elevated Voices: "Colorado has seen a drastic political shift in the last two years, moving from a field of elected officials dominated by Republicans to a slate that is now made up largely of Democrats. Colorado is often mentioned as an example of the so-called 'New West,' where Democrats have figured out a way to beat Republicans in races large and small.
"But a new poll released yesterday by the Pew Research Center [pdf] suggests that the change isn't isolated to a particular region - it's a nationwide shift."
More from Colorado Confidential. They write, "Republicans in Colorado are less likely to be moderate or liberal than in all but five other states, while Democrats in Colorado are more liberal than those in all but three other states, according to a new report based on a massive 2007 survey taken by the Pew Center on the People and the Press. In no other state in the nation do the two major parties present a more stark ideological divide."
Andrew Sullivan: "I spent part of last night absorbing the latest comprehensive Pew report on trends in public opinion over the last decade. It's a devastating indictment of the Bush-Rove strategy for conservatism and the Republican party. They may have created the most loyally Democratic generation since the New Deal with the under 25s. But check the other findings out. Party identification is now 50 percent Dem and 35 percent GOP. The country is now divided in two over the question of whether military strength is the key to ensuring peace; in 2002 62 percent were hawks and 34 percent were doves. Religious intensity is falling; acceptance of gay people is rising. The younger generation is the most secular of any. Support for the military has never been stronger - people don't blame the troops for the war. The country is divided down the middle on torture, but still in favor of preemptive war in some circumstances. Sorry, Dinesh, but women's equality and freedom are values now overwhelmingly popular among all groups, including Republicans, and strongest among the young. Since Bush has been president, there has been a sharp decline in the number of Americans favoring 'old fashioned values about family and marriage.' In the last ten years, opposition to gay marriage has dropped ten points and support has risen ten points. There has also been a striking twelve point increase in support for affirmative action over the past decade - all of it among whites."
"2008 pres"
7:18:54 AM
Captain's Quarters: "While the world wonders about the attack on and abduction of 15 British sailors by Iranian forces earlier this month, US News & World Report published the details of an attack by Iranian forces on Iraqi and American troops last September."
"2008 pres"
7:02:27 AM
Josh Marshall: "A prescient email from the dump, flagged by the Times ... 'I think most of them will resign quietly,' said Ms. Scolinos, the department's chief spokeswoman, in a Nov. 17 e-mail message, a few weeks before the dismissals. 'It's only six U.S. attorneys (there are 94) and they don't get anything out of making it public they were asked to leave in terms of future job prospects. I don't see it as being a national story -- especially if it phases in over a few months.'
"What's worth noting is that most of them did keep quiet. At first. Then questions started being asked. And that led the Justice Department to publicly justify the firings by putting out word that the USAs had been canned for poor performance. But that proved to be a pregnant error. Because while the fired US Attorneys were willing to go quietly they weren't willing to stay quiet while their reputations were sullied."
NewMexiKen: "See ya' Alberto...As long as I've been around government and Washington (since 1973), I am still repeatedly dumbfounded when these people get caught and lie. Have they never read any history of Watergate or Iran-Contra or even Clinton's [transgression with Ms. Lewinski]? It's always the lie that is the undoing. It's always the lie that makes the difficult situation an impossible sitiation. It's always the lie that causes the resignation -- or the firing -- or the conviction.
"As it should."
ABC News: "Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he was not involved in any discussions about the impending dismissals of U.S. attorneys. On Friday night, however, the Justice Department revealed Gonzales' participation in a Nov. 27 meeting where such plans were discussed. The firings of eight prosecutors has since led to a political firestorm and calls for his ouster. At that meeting, the attorney general and at least five top Justice Department officials discussed a five-step plan for carrying out the firings of the prosecutors, Gonzales' aides said late Friday. There, Gonzales signed off on the plan, which was drafted by his chief of staff, Kyle Sampson. Sampson resigned last week."
Thanks to Oliver Willis for the link.
Josh Marshall: "This [Gonzales claiming he was not involved in discussing the UA purge] is about using US Attorneys to damage Democrats and protect Republicans, using the Department of Justice as a partisan cudgel in the war for national political dominance. All the secrecy and lies, the blundering and covering-up stems from this one central fact."
"2008 pres"
6:44:48 AM
TalkLeft: "Rudy flip-flops on guns."
Political Wire: "For the first time, favorite son Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) 'no longer has a double digit lead as the top choice for President among Arizona Republicans,' according to a new Rocky Mountain Poll. Rudy Guiliani is now within nine points of Senator McCain and has 'made major gains in just the past two months. As of this week, McCain leads Guiliani by only 34 to 25 percent, but more important is the dynamic surge in Guiliani's appeal rising to 25 percent from only 13 percent in January while McCain sank from 40 percent to only 34 percent.'"
The Right's Field: "New numbers from the American Research Group show great promise for the potential presidential campaign of Thompson -- no, no, not that Thompson -- Fred Thompson. In what appears to be a desperate attempt to find the 'next Reagan,' rank-and-file Republicans may have taken that straight to heart. Thompson, a former senator from Tennessee and 'Arthur Branch' on television's Law & Order, earned shockingly high numbers for a non-candidate."
Political Wire: "American Research Group is out with a new batch of presidential polls from Iowa, New Hampshire, Texas and Arkansas. Among Democrats, Sen. Hillary Clinton leads in every race, though John Edwards is running just one point behind in Iowa and Sen. Barack Obama is just two points behind in Texas. It's clear that Tom Vilsack's withdrawal from the race has boosted Edwards in Iowa. Among Republicans, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain are tied in Iowa, McCain leads in New Hampshire, Giuliani leads in Texas and Mike Huckabee leads in Arkansas. Adding Fred Thompson's name to the ballot has hurt Giuliani in Iowa and New Hampshire."
Pollster.com: "A new Rasmussen Reports automated survey of 800 likely voters nationwide (conducted 3/21 through 3/22) finds former Sen. Fred Thompson (at 44%) edges out Sen. Hillary Clinton (43%) by one point in a general election match-up. A second match-up shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Thompson 49% to 37%."
Pollster.com: "Additional analysis from recent Gallup national surveys of 1,495 Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (conducted between January and March) finds: Among women Democrats, Sen. Hillary Clinton leads Sen. Barack Obama (39% to 19%); former V.P. Al Gore and former Sen. John Edwards both trail at 13%; Clinton performs best among woman 18 to 49, where she runs at 43% with a 22-point margin over Obama (21%); Obama performs best among men 18 to 49, where he runs at 24%, which is within the margin of sampling error of Clinton (27%)."
"2008 pres"
6:39:43 AM
From today's Rocky Mountain News, "Colorado's congressional delegation split strictly along party lines in Friday's vote approving a $124 billion emergency war spending plan that attempts to impose a timetable for U.S. troops to leave Iraq. All four Colorado Democrats - Reps. Diana DeGette, D-Denver; Mark Udall, D-Eldorado Springs; John Salazar, D-Manassa; and Ed Perlmutter, D-Golden - voted in favor of the resolution. All three Colorado Republicans - Reps. Marilyn Musgrave, R-Fort Morgan; Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado Springs; and Tom Tancredo, R-Littleton - opposed it. DeGette, who is chief deputy whip for the Democratic caucus, said trying to forge party unity was the toughest assignment she has had in 10 years."
Here's the link to the latest Iraq Reconstruction Report from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Thanks to Blogs for Bush for the link.
The Cherry Creek News is running U.S. Congressman Mark Udall's statement on the spending bill.
Mt. Virtus: "It's official: the Democratic Party has married its political future to American military defeat, voting 218-212 in the U.S. House of Representatives today to send a gift telegram to Islamist terrorists and Iraqi insurgents. Trapped in their political bubble, Congressional Democrats have convinced themselves that the United States can't prevail in establishing even a measure of stability in Iraq and thus are working to fulfill their own hand-wringing prophecies."
President Bush: "I have made clear for weeks, I will veto it if it comes to my desk. And because the vote in the House was so close, it is clear that my veto would be sustained. Today's action in the House does only one thing: it delays the delivering of vital resources for our troops. A narrow majority has decided to take this course, just as General Petraeus and his troops are carrying out a new strategy to help the Iraqis secure their capital city."
Thanks to Blogs for Bush for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:30:57 AM

The Rocky Mountain News is running a preview of the report Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability due out April 6th. From the article, "Everyone on the planet will be touched by global warming, but the poorest nations may be hardest hit because they lack the resources to adapt to the harmful changes ahead, Boulder climate researchers say. Consider Bangladesh, a country of 147 million people packed into a mostly flat delta region slightly smaller than Iowa. As the world warms, sea levels could rise 2 feet, or more, by 2100. "Even a rise of one foot will put a huge amount of that entire country under water permanently," said geographer Susi Moser...
"A summary of the new 20-chapter report will be presented April 6 in Brussels, Belgium. Specific findings are embargoed until then, but NCAR researchers agreed to talk in general terms about some of the topics addressed in the report...
"The upcoming report is not all doom and gloom. There's still time to avert some of the most damaging impacts of climate change, if the world's nations act soon to reduce emissions of heat-trapping 'greenhouse' gases such as carbon dioxide, the NCAR researchers say. 'The question is, 'What are we going to do to slow down global warming so that we give ourselves a chance?' [NCAR sociologist Paty Romero Lankao] said. 'We need to contain the impacts, so that we can adapt.'"
"2008 pres"
6:27:45 AM
From today's Denver Post, "Immigrant groups will kick off a week-long economic boycott Sunday to push for immigration reform with the support of business owners and associations. The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, which has 80 member groups statewide, is encouraging illegal immigrants and supporters not to spend money this week beyond buying food and medicine. The purpose is to send a message to Congress that illegal immigrants contribute by working and spending and that comprehensive immigration reform including a pathway to citizenship is needed, said Julien Ross, coordinator of CIRC."
"2008 pres"
6:14:50 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 12:45:35 PM.