Thursday, September 13, 2007
Talking Points Memo: "With the death in Anbar today of a member of the Sunni leadership who was among the key figures in the recent rapprochement with U.S. troops there, it bears returning to the issue of what constitutes the Sunni insurgency. Gen. Petraeus downplayed the non-al-Qaeda Sunni insurgency in his testimony this week, but al Qaeda in Iraq is a tiny proportion of the overall Sunni insurgency."
"2008 pres"
7:17:57 PM
Captain's Quarters: "Austrian security officials arrested a group of radical Islamists for suspected terrorist activity yesterday in Vienna. These terrorist suspects went high-tech, as their contributions to global jihad appear limited to the Internet."
Captain's Quarters: "In a war on terror where our enemies seek to infiltrate their way into our nation, why has Congress and the Bush administration failed to secure the border? The 9/11 Commission pointed out the problem three years ago, and despite two decades of promises, we have done little to resolve it. Texas's homeland-security chief confirmed yesterday that the lax controls have allowed terrorists to enter through the southern border."
"2008 pres"
6:52:37 PM
Colorado Luis and Mason Tvert are having a conversation about the marijuana intiative on the fall ballot over at Squarestate.org.
"denver n2007"
6:38:18 PM

Jim Spencer: "The promises made in behalf of the 2008 Democratic National Convention are mind-boggling: $160 million pumped into the metro Denver economy, a piece of that financial pie for just about anyone who wants it, the 'greenest, most innovative' presidential nominating meeting in history, 'software to map every venue by the hour,' free speech for protesters and a good time for everyone.
"The first of 10 'community conversations' between the public and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper and Convention Committee Chief Executive Leah Daughtry was not exactly a love fest. But it definitely set the bar high for expectations.
"It also established the high stakes for the mayor and the city."
"2008 pres"
6:24:01 PM

The first installment of "Convention Conversations" was held yesterday, according to The Denver Post. From the article:
The 2008 Democratic National Convention will be a huge boon and little trouble for Denver, and any discussion otherwise is "crazy" talk, Mayor John Hickenlooper told a crowd of local business interests Wednesday...
Joined by convention chief executive Leah Daughtry, the mayor shared remarks he's been making in smaller settings since the Democratic Party announced in January that it would hold its event at the Pepsi Center next Aug. 25-28. Because of massive transit closures during the 2004 convention in Boston, Denver officials have been fielding concerns from downtown businesses and restaurants fearing a loss of income. Hickenlooper told the crowd of about 400 at the Walnut Foundry that many spring nights in Lower Downtown see the impact of games involving both the Colorado Rockies and the Colorado Avalanche without significant trouble. He said total traffic in the area on those nights falls between 130,000 to 150,000 people, and that the convention translates into logistical "small potatoes." Not all attendees were ready to take the mayor at his word. Restaurateur Lee Goodfriend - who owns Racine's, Dixon's and Goodfriend's - said that Denver's hosting of the Summit of the Eight, a visit by the pope and the first Grand Prix auto race in the 1990s did slow business. She asked how the city would avoid such a slowdown, and how it could get its message out that things would be as Hickenlooper described.
"2008 pres"
6:41:09 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:25:41 PM.