Monday, October 1, 2007
Josh Marshall: "So yes, you've got that right. We've now reached what can only be called the alpha and the omega of contracting accountability breakdown ridiculousness. We're outsourcing our investigations of Blackwater to Blackwater."
"2008 pres"
6:00:38 PM
Political Wire: "A new Rasmussen Reports survey of likely Democratic and Republican primary voters in South Carolina finds Sen. Hillary Clinton leads the Democratic presidential race with 43%, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 30% and John Edwards at 10%. On the Republican side, Fred Thompson edges his rivals with 24%, followed by Rudy Giuliani at 20%Mitt Romney at 15% and Sen. John McCain at 11%."
"2008 pres"
5:48:32 PM

beSpacific: "Press release: The Nation's Mayors Release Results of a 330-City Survey on Water and Wastewater Asset Management, September 27, 2007"
"colorado water"
7:02:28 AM
Captain's Quarters: "When parties fall out of power, they tend to go through a battle between Puritans and Big Tenters. Inevitably, when Puritans control the debate, they tend to ensure a longer term in the wilderness, and when they don't, they threaten to leave. Perhaps the developments in Salt Lake City, at a meeting of the Council for National Policy, indicates that the Republican center-right has begun to take the lead in GOP politics."
The Right's Field: "Christian conservatives met in Salt Lake City on Saturday to discuss the possibility of backing a third-party candidate should the Republican Party nominate a pro-choice candidate, namely Rudy Giuliani."
Political Wire: "The American Research Group released polls the three first states to vote for president in 2008 and notes Sen. Hillary Clinton leads in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Support for John Edwards has slipped among Democrats in all three states, with a sharp drop in South Carolina...On the Republican side, Mitt Romney has lost ground in Iowa and New Hampshire, but he has gained ground in South Carolina. Sen. John McCain has bounced back in New Hampshire, where is he essentially tied with Romney and Rudy Giuliani."
"2008 pres"
6:47:37 AM
Captain's Quarters: "The use of aggressive tactics and a larger footprint has resulted in a drop in combat deaths for American troops in Iraq. The number of those lost in combat operations fell to a 14-month low in September. Meanwhile, the US and Iraqi forces continue to hold the momentum, killing almost as many al-Qaeda terrorists and insurgents this weekend as American forces lost all month."
Juan Cole: "A wave of violence rolled over the northern city of Mosul (pop. 1.5 million, Iraq's second largest) on Sunday. A member of the Ninevah Provincial Council and his three body guards were assassinated by machine gun fire; gunmen killed two policemen in the east of the city; armed men killed two people in a market; and 11 bodies were found in the streets, executed in the night. These nearly 20 deaths were produced by an insurgency. It targeted an official of the government and policemen (2 soldiers were also wounded), and sought to disrupt commerce by attacking people in the market. Death squads are operating, either killing persons of another ethnicity or party, or punishing those it brands 'collaborators.' Everything points to Sunday's campaign of violence as having been well planned out and coordinated. Has the Mahdi Army, unwitting abetted by the US military, pushed Sunni guerrillas out of Baghdad in such numbers that some are establishing themselves in the (largely Sunni Arab) northern city of Mosul?"
"2008 pres"
6:46:21 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:30:34 PM.