Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Captain's Quarters: "Earlier today, Pervez Musharraf named his successor as army chief of staff as he prepared to stand for election for the presidency he has held after a 1999 coup. Now he has apparently cinched a deal for the support of moderate Benazir Bhutto as the government officially granted the former Prime Minister amnesty against corruption allegations that Musharraf used as an excuse to grab power."
"2008 pres"
6:51:12 PM

From The St. Louis Dispatch, "A White House official made clear this morning what many in Congress had suspected: the president will veto a national water projects bill that contains nearly $4 billion for work on the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. That sets up the prospect of the first successful veto override of President George W. Bush's administration, and members of Congress are confident that they will succeed. Steve McMillin, deputy director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, said in an interview that the president considered the $20 billion-plus Water Resources Development Act undisciplined and irresponsible. It was sent to the president's desk this week."
Thanks to restoringrivers for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:46:07 PM
Andrew Sullivan: "Iraq's Christians -- Another casualty of the war and occupation: 'But when a hand-scrawled note appeared on their door telling them to convert to Islam, pay $300 a month for protection or die, they realized they had to leave their home of 11 years.'"
Josh Marshall: "So the contractor gets drunk and kills a guy. He gets fired. But there's apparently no operative law he has to answer to. And Blackwater helps him flee the jurisdiction, apparently in the face of a DOJ investigation."
"2008 pres"
6:10:20 PM
NewMexiKen is pointing to Matt Taibbi (via National Affairs Daily), who writes, "The presidential campaign ritual in this country has obviously devolved into a deeply flawed phenomenon, one that tends to produce incompetent or inappropriate leaders and fails to really touch the population on any level anymore beyond disgust and resentment...Even more ominous were the 2006 midterm elections, a revoltingly idealism-free spectacle in which 80% of the money spent on television advertising across the country during the campaign season was devoted to negative ads."
Political Wire: "Citing recent trends, the New York Times reports that independents, who compose 46% of New Hampshire primary voters, may tilt the Democratic primary to Sen. Barack Obama and wipe out Sen. John McCain (R)."
"2008 pres"
5:54:10 PM
Political Wire: "A new Zogby poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton 'has extended her lead in the race for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in New Hampshire, capturing 38% support as the contest enters the crucial fall phase.' Sen. Barack Obama 'has slipped slightly but retains a strong grasp on second place with 23% support,' while John Edwards 'faded to 12%, the survey shows. Ten percent said they remain unsure about who to support in the race.'"
"2008 pres"
7:04:57 AM
TalkLeft: "Senate approves $150 billion for war in Iraq, Afghanistan. 'The 92-3 vote comes as the House planned to approve separate legislation Tuesday that requires President Bush to give Congress a plan for eventual troop withdrawals.'"
"2008 pres"
7:00:29 AM
Internet access is less than Comcastic this morning. We're having problems. If you're reading this they may have cleared.
5:37:54 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:30:53 PM.