Monday, February 11, 2008
Ed Cone: "I had my annual physical this morning, and I was thinking about a couple of thoughtful posts by Dave Winer -- a man who has been in the system as a patient, and who considers himself lucky to have good health insurance. Of course, Dave is a successful entrepreneur. I wonder: how many more successful entrepreneurs might we have if people weren't tied to jobs because that's the only way they can afford decent health insurance?"
"2008 pres"
6:40:51 PM
Political Wire: "The latest Gallup tracking poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama essentially tied nationally in the Democratic presidential race, with Clinton at 46% and Obama at 44%. Clinton's lead over Obama has eroded over the past five days. On the Republican side, the results show Sen. John McCain with 56% and Mike Huckabee with 25%."
Political Wire: "First Read: 'So who's ahead in the delegate count? In the race to earn delegates via the primary and caucus system, Obama's ahead of Clinton 943-895 in the official NBC count. NBC's Elections Unit allocates delegates after all of the returns are in for each Congressional District and the splits between the two candidates can be determined accurately. There are still 132 delegates to be allocated. Our best guess is that once our colleagues in the Elections Unit are able to accurately count each delegate, the pledged delegate count is 1021-25 for Obama to Clinton's 950-954. Toss in the superdelegate endorsements each campaign is claiming (263 for Clinton, 175 for Obama) and Clinton can claim a VERY narrow overall delegate lead going into tomorrow's contest -- perhaps the lead is as little as 17 delegates. It's a deficit Obama can make up tomorrow with decisive wins in the Chesapeake primaries.'"
Political Wire: "The latest SurveyUSA poll before Tuesday's Virginia primary shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen. Hillary Clinton, 60% to 38%, in the Democratic presidential race. In the GOP race, Sen John McCain leads Mike Huckabee, 48% to 37%. However, in the last 72 hours, McCain is down 9 points while Huckabee is up 12 points."
Political Wire: "The latest AP/Ipsos national poll shows Sen. Barack Obama beating Sen. John McCain in a potential general election match up, 48% to 42%. Sen. Hillary Clinton edges McCain, 46% to 45%."
Political Wire: "A new American Research Group poll in Maryland shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Hillary Clinton, 55% to 37%. In Virginia, Obama leads Clinton 56% to 38%. On the Republican side in Maryland, John McCain leads Mike Huckabee 50% to 25%. In Virginia, McCain leads Huckabee 54% to 32%."
Colorado Confidential: "Superdelegates, not Super Tuesday, may settle Dem nomination."
Colorado Confidential: "Representatives from the DNC Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council and the National Stonewall Democrats will join Dean and Daughtry at today's luncheon meeting at Palettes in the Denver Art Museum. Other dignitaries at the special event include Colorado Democratic Party chair Pat Waak, state Stonewall chair Jeffrey Shaw, Sen. Jennifer Veiga and Rep. Mark Ferrandino. The gay community is playing a big part in convention activities. Dean appointed seven LGBT members to sit on the convention's standing committee that oversees the platform, credentials and rules sub-committees. In 2006, the DNC adopted new rules that will increase the number of LGBT delegates at the 2008 Democratic Convention."
"2008 pres"
6:32:30 PM
Captain's Quarters: "The Dadullah family has had a string of bad luck. First, the Taliban inner circle member Mullah Dadullah got killed in a NATO attack a year ago when the Americans imposed a much more aggressive strategy in dealing with Taliban probes and ambushes. Now his brother Mansoor, a top field commander for the Taliban, finds himself a prisoner of the Pakistani Army after losing a shootout."
"2008 pres"
6:50:37 AM
beSpacific: "The Committee for Economic Development (CED)...released a new report - Harnessing Openness to Transform American Health Care (94 pages, PDF) - that focuses on how to improve health care by giving people more access to information and making the information more responsive to their contributions. The report touches on the entire production system for health care from biomedical research to clinical trials to electronic health care records and patient/doc interactions. It also addresses open access publishing of research results and access to clinical trial data, openness in public health, the impact of greater openness on approval of medical devices, and open models of innovation. The report was prepared by CED's Digital Connections Council (DCC). The DCC is a group of information technology experts from CED-affiliated companies established to advise CED on the policy issues associated with the digital economy and emerging technologies. This report follows the late 2007 release of CED's report, Quality, Affordable Health Care For All: Beyond The Employer-based Health-insurance System, which includes findings and recommendations on health care reform from CED.'"
"2008 pres"
6:43:50 AM
Josh Marshall: "I already noted in the post below the comically unfolding story of Washington state GOP chair Luke Esser, who decided to stop counting the votes in the state GOP caucus with 13% of the votes still uncounted and has spent the last 24 hours coming up with increasingly ridiculous explanations of his actions. TPM Reader NM just flagged this article in the Seattle Times which quotes Esser now saying that the state GOP is going to try to get as "close as we can to 100 percent" of the vote counted. I mean, don't knock yourself out, right?"
"2008 pres"
6:40:03 AM

Climate change and the effects on water supplies will be the focus of tomorrow's meeting of the Rio Grande Roundtable according to The Pueblo Chieftain. From the article:
The Rio Grande Basin Roundtable will get its first look at how climate change may affect water supplies across the Southwestern U.S. Tuesday when it hosts its monthly meeting at 2 p.m. at the Inn of the Rio Grande. Jason Vogel, of Stratus Consulting in Boulder, will be the headlined speaker at the meeting, which also will include updates on the habitat conservation plan for the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and the work of the roundtable's nonconsumptive-use committee...
Vogel's presentation will include discussion of potential impacts of climate change to the Rio Grande Basin, but these will be derived or extrapolated from possible regional impacts, rather than specific studies of the headwaters or the San Luis Valley. "I think the researchers are very cautious as to what the specific result may be, but there is some level of comfort on possible regional impacts of climate change," Gibson said. Gibson hopes that following the presentation the roundtable can put together a small group to look at the implications of climate change and consider developing strategies to mitigate any possible impacts. "My interests and I think the roundtable's interests should be if there is a possibility of impacts, then what do we need to be thinking about today to perhaps be in a position to address them," he said...
Climate change may confront communities with less snowpack, earlier runoff, bigger precipitation events and a changing growing season for farmers. It may also pose impacts on wildlife and on wildfires. Gibson raised the example of how climate change might affect Colorado's management of the Rio Grande Compact as one topic worth exploring. He also noted that projects that are currently on the drawing board, such as the possible expansion of the Rio Grande Reservoir west of Creede, may have much more relevance if capturing runoff becomes tougher.
"colorado water"
6:06:59 AM

From The Fort Collins Coloradoan, "The Governor's Energy Office is partnering with interested cities to create a $1 million initiative for solar rebates. The program will offer matching grants of up to $25,000 for local solar electric and solar domestic hot water rebates. For more information on the Residential Solar Program, contact Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association at (303) 333-7342 or info@coseia.org."
"2008 pres"
5:45:34 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:07:17 PM.