Saturday, February 16, 2008

Here's a recap of this week's meeting of the Rio Grande Basin Roundtable from The Pueblo Chieftain. They write:
While the upper Rio Grande basin is currently in the grips of a cold and snowy winter, local water officials heard Tuesday how their work might be affected should the region become a hotter and drier place because of climate change. Jason Vogel, of Stratus Consulting in Boulder, reviewed data that suggests the world will continue to get hotter and precipitation events could become stronger in a presentation before the Rio Grande Basin Roundtable. Vogel said scientists had a lot of work to do before they could utilize climate and precipitation models that accurately predict local conditions. However, broader models suggest rising temperatures may mean earlier snow melts and peak flows, affecting how water can be stored and delivered. "Flood control may become more important for a lot of reservoirs," Vogel said. "Everything that was designed for the 100-year flood of the past may be the 30-year flood of the future."
Should the region get hotter, water managers would also have to deal with delivering water for a longer growing season. Vogel said modeling predicted a slight decrease in the Rio Grande's peak flow, with some models suggesting that the date of peak flow may come a month sooner. He qualified that projection, however, by saying that the model included large parts of New Mexico that are generally hotter and drier than Colorado. "You may still see a large amount of water," he said. While water managers in other areas may have to deal with declines in water quality, Vogel said the San Luis Valley would be less vulnerable to such concerns because of its proximity to mountain headwaters...
Despite the presentation's reliance on models, Vogel discouraged managers from becoming too dependent on them because they don't lend themselves to the daily and pragmatic decisions most agencies must make. Vogel opened his presentation with a review of historical conditions including a rise in temperature, sea levels around the world and green house gas emissions. Harvey Teyler questioned whether the warming trends were the product of a change in the technology utilized by the National Weather Service. He also asked if the increased use of Doppler radar by the agency might cause the agency to record more storm events than before when it did not have access to the technology. Vogel said that while a 2001 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change acknowledged that too many temperature stations were in large cities, which concentrate more heat, other countries not affected by the technology changes have also seen a rise in temperatures. He added that there has also been no debate that greenhouse gasses have risen. "The physics itself indicates we should be seeing what we are seeing," he said.
SLV Dweller has some video of the meeting.
"2008 pres"
10:17:32 AM

Google and YouTube have been named the Official Innovation Provider for the 2008 Republican National Convention in September. From the release:
Embracing technology that will propel the 2008 Republican National Convention to the forefront of the digital age, the GOP today announced that Google Inc. will serve as the Republican National Convention's Official Innovation Provider. Convention President and Chief Executive Officer Maria Cino made the announcement in a unique video posted to the convention's new YouTubeTM channel (www.youtube.com/gopconvention2008).
The video is also showcased on the convention's website (www.GOPConvention2008.com), and highlights Google's cutting-edge, computer-generated SketchUpTM graphics of the Xcel Energy Center, where the convention will be held.
As Official Innovation Provider, Google Inc. will enhance the GOP's online presence with new applications, search tools, and interactive video. In addition, Google will help generate buzz and excitement in advance of the convention through its proven online marketing techniques.
"Google and YouTube are synonymous with innovation, and our groundbreaking collaboration will set a new precedent for engaging and involving Americans in the Republican National Convention," said Cino. "We also remain firmly focused on providing the eventual Republican nominee with every tool available to communicate his message to the American people - and this agreement is an important part of our efforts."
The convention's official website, www.GOPConvention2008.com, will eventually feature a full-range of GoogleTM products, including Google Apps, Google MapsTM, SketchUpTM, and customized search tools, which will make navigating the site easier. The convention's YouTube channel will enable visitors to upload, view, and share online videos. These innovative technologies will also help the GOP streamline convention organization and expand its online reach across websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email.
Coyote Gulch is psyched since now we know the coverage will be cross-platform, showing an inclusive attitude.
"2008 pres"
10:00:16 AM

Don't forget to sign up for the World Water Day 2008 events scheduled for March 22nd. A billion of your brothers and sisters around the world do not have a sustainable source of clean drinking water.
"colorado water"
9:54:20 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:08:08 PM.