Monday, February 25, 2008
Political Wire: "The latest USA Today/Gallup poll shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen. Hillary Clinton among Democrats nationally, 51% to 39%. Caveat: Obama's 13-point lead -- his first outside the survey's margin of error -- 'is at odds with a separate Gallup tracking poll. Taken Friday through Sunday, it gave the Illinois senator a narrow 47% to 45% lead over Clinton.' On the Republican side, Sen. John McCain is way ahead of Mike Huckabee, 61% to 23%."
Political Wire: "A new CNN/Opinion Research poll in Texas finds Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen. Hillary Clinton, 50% to 46%. With the 3.5% margin of error, the race is technically a statistical dead heat."
Political Wire: ""Momentum is rapidly swinging Barack Obama's way in Ohio," according to a new Public Policy Polling survey. Sen. Hillary Clinton's lead over Obama has been cut to four points, 50% to 46%. Just a couple weeks ago Clinton held a lead over 20 points in some polls. Key factor: 'Obama is benefiting from the decided nature of the Republican contest. That's increasing the number of Republicans and independents who plan to cast their ballots in the Democratic primary next week, and Obama leads those groups 80% to 13% and 64% to 33% respectively. Clinton actually has a 56% to 40% edge among self identified Democrats.'"
Political Wire: "Two new polls from the American Research Group: Texas -- Obama 50%, Clinton 42%; Ohio -- Clinton 49%, Obama 39%"
Political Wire: "With just eight days until the Ohio presidential primary, the latest Ohio Poll finds Sen. Hillary Clinton leading Sen. Barack Obama by eight points, 47% to 39%, among likely Democratic primary voters. The poll was conducted by the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Cincinnati. In the GOP race, the survey finds Sen. John McCain leads Mike Huckabee 55% to 20% among likely Republican primary voters."
"2008 pres"
6:37:41 PM

The Cherry Creek News: "Scott Denning, associate professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University, will talk about climate change March 5 at the Denver Athletic Club as part of the Engineering Innovations Breakfast Series sponsored by the College of Engineering. Denning, a CSU alumnus, Monfort Professor and Engineering Faculty Award of Excellence recipient, will talk about how the Earth's climate works, how greenhouse gases are expected to warm the Earth's surface and discuss options for mitigation and adaptation to future climate changes in his talk, 'Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities.' The event will be at 7:30 a.m. at the Denver Athletic Club, 1325 Glenarm Place. The event is $20 per person and open to the public. Reservations are required at (970) 491-7028."
"2008 pres"
5:59:35 PM
Say hello to The National Religious Campaign Against Torture. From their mission statement, "Torture violates the basic dignity of the human person that all religions, in their highest ideals, hold dear. It degrades everyone involved -- policy-makers, perpetrators and victims. It contradicts our nation's most cherished ideals. Any policies that permit torture and inhumane treatment are shocking and morally intolerable. Nothing less is at stake in the torture abuse crisis than the soul of our nation. What does it signify if torture is condemned in word but allowed in deed? Let America abolish torture now -- without exceptions."
Thanks to The Moderate Voice for the link.
"2008 pres"
5:48:45 PM
Daily Kos: "No candidate who has any sense talks 'meta' with reporters, at least not candidly. Speaking to reporters today on his ironically named 'Straight Talk Express', John McCain provided an object lesson in how he'll manage to undermine his own campaign's carefully crafted message. John McCain said Monday that to win the White House he must convince a war-weary country that U.S. policy in Iraq is succeeding. If he can't, 'then I lose. I lose,' the Republican said."
"2008 pres"
5:44:09 PM
Andrew Sullivan is linking to a video designed to move Latino voters to support Barack Obama.
Political Wire: "'Buoyed by a big shift among college-educated voters,' Sen. Barack Obama is gaining on Sen. Hillary Clinton, who now leads 51% to 40% among Ohio likely Democratic primary voters, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. Clinton held a 21 point lead in mid-February."
"2008 pres"
7:33:47 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:10:02 PM.