Thursday, March 13, 2008
Juan Cole: "Guerrillas fired rockets at a US base south of Baghdad on Wednesday, killing 3 US soldiers and wounding 2. An Iraqi civilian was also wounded. A US soldier was killed and another wounded at Diwaniya on Tuesday by a roadside bomb (that is Shiite territory). So the death toll for Monday through Wednesday was fifteen US troops killed. If you're reading these words, you are better informed about US casualties in Iraq than most Americans, for whom it has become a forgotten war. If it is not on television, it does not exist."
"2008 pres"
6:40:44 PM
Andrew Sullivan: "Penn: 'Obama Can't Win The General Election', The Clintons sink even lower. And it is, of course, a self-fulfilling prophecy. In their dreams. Increasingly, the only rationale I can think of for the way the Clintons are now campaigning is that they are running for 2012. They want McCain to win, if they can't. Why else be this self-destructive?"
Political Wire: "The latest Akron Buckeye Poll finds that a large majority of Ohioans favor a generic Democrat over a Republican in the presidential election, and a large majority believes that the Democrats will win the important swing state of Ohio in the fall of 2008."
Andrew Sullivan: "Look: the racial politics of all this was bound to happen at some point. We should not be surprised by the likes of Mickey Kaus or Sean Hannity or Geraldine Ferraro fanning racial resentment and fear. Since it is part of everyone's emotional make-up in America, we were never going to get past these issues without going through them. And as we go through them, we shouldn't engage in utopian notions that we could ever have a campaign in which these things would not at some point dominate. Better now than in October.
"What matters now is how Obama gets through them."
"2008 pres"
6:07:41 PM

From The Environment News Wire: "Every mode of transportation in the United States will be affected as the climate warms, with the greatest impact expected to be flooding of roads, railways, transit systems, and airport runways in coastal areas because of rising sea levels and surges brought on by more intense storms, says a new report from the National Research Council. The report identifies five climate changes of particular importance to U.S. transportation - increases in very hot days and heat waves; increases in Arctic temperatures; rising sea levels; increases in intense precipitation events; and increases in hurricane intensity. Though the impacts of climate change will vary by region, it is certain they will be widespread and costly in human and economic terms, and will require major changes in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of transportation systems, the committee concludes."
Thanks to beSpacific for the link to the report.
7:31:34 AM

Next week is World Water Week. Don't forget to sign up for an event.
Denver and other Colorado cities are participating in UNICEF's Tap Project, taking place on World Water Day, March 22nd. Thanks to The Denver Post for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:18:46 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:13:25 PM.