Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Moderate Voice: "Senator Barack Obama's campaign has gotten some good news -- one of several bits of good news in recent days: a new Gallup tracking poll shows him on the rebound after the firestorm over his pastor's comments and Obama's heavily covered speech on race: 'Barack Obama has quickly made up the deficit he faced with Hillary Clinton earlier this week, with the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update on Democratic presidential nomination preferences showing 48% of Democratic voters favoring Obama and 45% Clinton.'"
"2008 pres"
9:44:22 AM

From The Environment News Service: "Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius today vetoed legislation that would have overturned a decision of her administration to deny an permit application to build two new coal-fired power plants because of the greenhouse gases they would have produced. The measure passed without a veto-proof majority of state legislators. Last October Secretary of Kansas Department of Health and Environment Rob Bremby denied a permit to regional wholesale power supplier Sunflower Electric Power Corporation to build two new power plants at its Holcomb Station in western Kansas. The bill Sebelius vetoed today would have permitted the power plants and stripped the state agency of the power to deny such permits in the future if they held utilities to standards stricter than those in the federal Clean Air Act. "We know that greenhouse gases contribute to climate change," Sebelius said. 'As an agricultural state, Kansas is particularly vulnerable. Therefore, reducing pollutants benefits our state not only in the short term - but also for generations of Kansans to come...Of all the duties and responsibilities entrusted to me as governor, none is greater than my obligation to protect the health and well-being of the people of Kansas,' Sebelius said. "And that is why I supported the decision of the Secretary of Kansas Department of Health and Environment regarding Kansas' energy future. For that reason, I must veto House Substitute for SB 327.'"
9:21:12 AM

From The Boulder Daily Camera: "Coloradoans Against Resource Destruction, will meet at 7 p.m. at the Front Range Meeting Room at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center, 1900 Ken Pratt Blvd. The discussion will include the potential hazards of in-situ leach uranium mining, a form of mining that involved pumping solutions into the ground to dissolve and extract metals."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here and here.
"2008 pres"
8:48:55 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:15:27 PM.