Coyote Gulch's Colorado Water
The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land. -- Luna Leopold

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Sunday, February 27, 2005

Colorado Water

There are big pollution problems facing the Arkansas River valley, according to the Denver Post [February 27, 2005, "For some, river not worth its salt"]. Surface water all over the state are picking up salt from irrigation causing decreased crop yields and driving up the cost of treatment. From the article, "The lower Arkansas River in Colorado is the saltiest stream of its size in the United States. Its underlying problem is geology: The river picks up salt as it cuts through ancient seabed formations on its route through Colorado's southern plains. Traditional flood irrigation - diverting water across fields with canals, ditches and pipes - raises contaminant level as the river flows toward Kansas. Neither state nor federal law regulates polluted farm runoff. Instead, people rely on underfunded incentive programs to address the problem. Colorado state law presents another obstacle by preventing water-quality regulations from interfering with water rights."
7:18:36 AM    

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