Coyote Gulch's Colorado Water
The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land. -- Luna Leopold

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Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Colorado Water

Howling At A Waning Moon: "A crusader's last appeal. Paul Simon's book on global shortages of water is now a film."
9:10:56 PM    

Colorado Water

HB 1177 was moved out of committee yesterday, according to the Denver Post [March 1, 2005, "Panel approves water-dispute plan"]. From the article, "The bill, which is being sponsored by Rep. Josh Penry, R-Grand Junction, and Sen. Jim Isgar, D-Hesperus, would create 'round tables' throughout the state's seven water basins and two geographically distinct sub-basins. Those groups would be charged with studying their region's water needs and have the latitude to negotiate legal agreements known as compacts. Those agreements would ultimately be forwarded to an Interbasin Compact Committee, made up of representatives from environmental, municipal, agricultural, industrial and recreational sectors."

Here's the coverage from the Rocky Mountain News [March 1, 2005, "Water cooperation bill moves forward"].

The problems are just starting for the proposed South Metro Water district. They will need storage sites for all the water that will be needed in the future. Here's an article from the Denver Post about 15 possible reservoir sites [March 1, 2005, "Group eyes 15 sites for water"]. From the article, "The South Metro Water Supply Authority named 15 possibilities - nine potential reservoir sites, or the expansion of six existing or planned reservoirs - in its pending legal petition for water rights from the South Platte River. New reservoir sites include scenic ranchland south of Sedalia, six spots in Highlands Ranch and a wildlife area near Willow Creek. At the request of utilities and government boards, state courts sent letters last month to 13 landowners informing them that their property was under consideration."
6:28:15 AM    

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