Colorado Water
Here's a story about the bill to establish the South Metro Water Board from the Denver Post [March 8, 2005, "Vote nears on water board"]. From the article, "South metro officials must figure out by Wednesday how to appease those who might someday give up the water that the fast-growing region desperately needs. A state House committee will vote Wednesday on legislation establishing a regional board to oversee billons of dollars' worth of dams and reservoirs to head off a possible water shortage in Douglas and Arapahoe counties. The committee is the first step in what promises to be a contentious battle over the issue, with the region's four senators vowing to oppose the bill."
Here's the coverage from the Rocky Mountain News [March 8, 2005, "Panel pokes holes in water bill"]. From the article, "House Bill 1298, sponsored by Rep. Ted Harvey, R-Highlands Ranch, would create a powerful new district serving all of Douglas County and parts of Arapahoe County. But in nearly three hours of testimony and debate Monday, members of the House Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources Committee made clear that the bill, in order to win their OK, would need to include stronger water conservation plans and clear language defining how rural communities would be compensated if their water supplies are tapped to satisfy the South Metro region's thirst."
Meahwhile the Colorado River leads the list of endangered rivers from the American Rivers website.
The drought is worsening for Montana and Washington.
Here's the link to the U.S. Drought Monitor.
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