Coyote Gulch's Colorado Water
The health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land. -- Luna Leopold

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Colorado Water

From today's Denver Post, "The House is set to consider a proposal for mitigation agreements for water transfers, after the measure received preliminary approval in committee Wednesday. House Bill 1296, sponsored by Rep. Bernie Buescher, D-Grand Junction, would require recognition of the economic, social and environmental impacts of water diversions. 'For over 20 years, western Colorado has worked to ensure mitigation for areas damaged by water transfers,' Buescher said. 'This bill does just that. '"

Southwestern Colorado is falling behind in rainfall during March according to the Cortez Journal. From the article, "The automated weather site at Lizard Head Pass was reported at 111 percent of average Monday afternoon with a snow-water equivalent of 15.6 inches; Lone Cone came in at 98 percent with 16.7 inches of moisture; El Diente Peak was 114 percent of average and 14 inches of liquid and Scotch Creek was at about 118 percent with 14.9 inches. Above Mancos at the new Sharks Tooth station, the moisture amount was reported at 24.7 inches. The combined average of the San Miguel, Animas, San Juan and Dolores river basins was at 136 percent of normal Monday afternoon."
6:11:30 AM    

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