Westword has some suggestions to help Colorado deal with warmer rainier winters and the resulting loss of snowpack.
The proposed Union Park Reservoir may have received it's final death blow yesterday, according to the Denver Post [October 20, 2005, "Reservoir plan suffers a setback"]. From the article, "A plan to alleviate the south metro area's long-term water needs, the Union Park reservoir, died a political death Wednesday before the Colorado Water Congress, an influential organization of lawyers, lobbyists, bureaucrats and decision-makers. The group voted unanimously to shelve its consideration of the proposed reservoir near Gunnison that detractors say would tap the scenic Gunnison River to sustain the south metro area's growth machine. Its members savaged the project and its backer, Dave Miller, calling him a 'dreamer' and a 'used-car salesman.' Miller is used to criticism and name-calling after two decades of trying to get the project going against persistent opposition. He said after Wednesday's meeting that he would continue to look for support. 'The division between the (river) basins is what's hurting this state,' he said. The vote was the latest and, most believe, the final blow for the once-prominent but controversial proposal. In August, a state judge revoked Miller's water right for a hydropower dam at Union Park. Miller is appealing."
Category: Colorado Water
6:42:04 AM