The editorial staff of the Pueblo Chieftain is not happy with the vote on House Bill 1352. They write, "Once again, the water buffaloes have won. And once again, the people of Colorado have lost. That was the result of an 18-17 final vote Friday morning that killed HB1352, a measure designed to maintain good water quality in Colorado's rivers and streams. The bill's prime sponsor was Rep. Buffie McFadyen, a Pueblo West Democrat who was able to get the measure passed in the House earlier last week against long odds. The water buffaloes in Colorado don't like anybody messing with their game of back-room deals. There is an old adage in this state that goes, 'Water runs uphill toward money.' And it was big money interests which turned around enough votes in the Senate on Friday to ensure the death this year of a water quality bill. Big money interests from Colorado Springs kept the entire Republican contingent on the side of killing the legislation...
"The legislation had a wide array of support, even from some major water interests. Those included the Colorado River Water Conservation District, Denver Water, the Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District, the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, the Pueblo Board of Water Works, the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, Trout Unlimited and the Upper Gunnison Water Conservancy District. But the big money in Colorado Springs, Aurora and elsewhere want more water. And they have the Arkansas River in their crosshairs. Rep. McFadyen's bill would have offered a modicum of protection for rivers in Colorado when the big money comes calling. This year, big money won. And the people of Colorado lost."
Category: Colorado Water
8:15:22 AM