Here's a short article about the management of the Colorado River from the Montrose Daily Press. They write, "Upper Colorado River Commissioner Scott Balcomb believes the southwest United States drought could have far-reaching ramifications for the Western Slope. He spoke to over 100 water professionals at the Montrose Pavilion Thursday and said the Colorado Basin states - Colorado, Arizona, Nevada and Utah - have been negotiating the management of the river during low water years and reached a tentative agreement this winter, but Arizona and the rest of the southwest had one of the driest winters on record, changing the political climate. 'I'm concerned now that Arizona is backing out,' Balcomb said, adding, 'The people in Arizona are very, very nervous.' With massive population increase, the river is seeing increased pressure, and the state of Colorado must decide how to protect its resource but not create excessive harm to the lower basin states. Balcomb said Arizona is drawing more than its share of allocated water but he said it might not be 'practical' for Colorado and the upper basin states to use the water...
"He said if Colorado puts too much pressure on the lower basin states, they could sue, creating years of litigation and millions of dollars in attorney's fees. Balcomb said a candidate for the governor of Nevada is running on a platform of breaking the Colorado Compact, which has governed the river since 1922...
"He said there is the potential for the lower basin states to force a 'call' on the Colorado. This would mean Colorado could be forced to send more water down the river to fulfill the obligations. 'The first things they would call is the transmountain diversions,' Balcomb said, of a major source of Front Range water. He said if that happens, Colorado would have to get creative, and he could see Denver water negotiating with Montrose farmers, so Gunnison water could fulfill the compact obligations. For now, the lower basin states are looking at ways to find new water. They are researching ways to make the system more efficient and desalinization water in the Gulf of Mexico."
Category: Colorado Water
9:00:34 AM