Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Pueblo and Colorado Springs are haggling over management of the Arkansas River and in-stream flows, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article, "Pueblo asked the Colorado Water Conservation Board to apply for in-stream flow rights on two stretches of the Arkansas River through Pueblo in May, after obtaining a decree for an in-channel recreational diversion for a kayak course along the concrete levee in April. The CWCB is the only entity in the state that can hold rights to an in-stream flow, which protects fish habitat. Typically, the in-stream flows are in more pristine areas, and few are located below dams. But Pueblo's water attorney, Anne Castle, argued the river has been returned to a relatively natural state by the $7.5 million Legacy Project. Pueblo split the request into two parts: from Pueblo Dam to the beginning of the concrete levee, and from the end of the levee to the confluence with Fountain Creek. Pueblo wants a minimum flow of 100 cubic feet per second as the in-stream right. While the flow management program is key to the RICD, the in-stream flow right is a separate issue, Florczak said...
"Under the flow management program, no minimum flows are required at night, so water could be exchanged from downstream points into Lake Pueblo storage after hours. As a practical matter, the dam gates are raised and lowered only twice a week, allowing higher flows on weekends when kayakers are more likely to use the course...
"The Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District filed for party status in the case, generally supporting the flow management program, said attorney Lee Miller. The district is a party to the May 2004 IGA. Also requesting party status in the CWCB case are the Bureau of Reclamation, Trout Unlimited and the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District. Reclamation is concerned because the in-stream right could affect how Pueblo Dam is operated, said Fred Ore, area manager. He also is concerned about the 100 cfs rate, since Arkansas River flows were often below that level during the 2002 drought. The CWCB voted 6-3 in May to open study on the in-stream flow right. It will decide whether to proceed to a hearing in November at its September meeting in Vail. The CWCB would still need to apply for the in-stream right in water court if it passes muster at the November hearing."
Category: Colorado Water
6:08:44 AM

From today's Rocky Mountain News, "A new technique that uses radar beams to track wet air could lead to more accurate and timely warnings of severe thunderstorms and flash floods, scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research said Tuesday.
For the first time, radar is being used to map the near-ground water vapor that helps fuel thunderstorms, said NCAR meteorologist Rita Roberts. The innovative technique is being tested at four radar locations in northeastern Colorado, including NCAR's Marshall Field research site, just south of Boulder...
"National Weather Service radars can detect precipitation and winds, but not water vapor. Air-moisture data are collected at weather stations and with weather balloons, but those sites can be separated by 100 miles or more. As a result, there is no fine-scale monitoring of low-level air moisture in the United States. The new radar project, known as REFRACTT, could change that. The REFRACTT project started June 5 and ends Aug. 11. It is funded with $500,000 from the National Science Foundation. It uses four northeastern Colorado radar dishes that scan the horizon, sending out bursts of energy at the speed of light. When the radar beams strike a stationary object - a house, a silo, power lines, a mountain - some of the energy bounces back to the radar dish. Researchers look for minute changes in the speed of the radar beam - wet air slows the beam slightly because it's denser. The four radars collect moisture data from the layer of air below about 1,700 feet. It is used to create detailed moisture maps of northeastern Colorado, information that can be fed into computerized forecasting models...
"The idea behind REFRACTT was developed by Frederic Fabry of McGill University while he was a visiting researcher at NCAR in the late 1990s. Since then, he has collaborated with NCAR researchers to refine the technique. REFRACTT relies on a computer program that can be used with the nationwide network of National Weather Service Doppler radars. Roberts, the project's lead scientist, said she hopes that happens soon."
Category: Colorado Water
6:00:13 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
12/29/06; 12:01:24 PM.