Here's a report on conditions at Lake Powell, from the Salt Lake Tribune. The Upper Colorado Basin states use Lake Powell as the primary storage for water to meet downstream commitments to the lower basin states.
From the article, "...though the reservoir has plenty of water for boating, its primary purpose is to store water for the American Southwest. By that criterion, Lake Powell is a bust at 52 percent of capacity. Hopes for more storage were high only six months ago. Storms in Colorado early last winter left record snowfalls, and it looked to be an average or even better year across the Colorado River Basin. But winter retired early, as has become its habit, and runoff was again substandard, at only 75 percent of average...
"Meanwhile, Lake Powell has pulled back from the brink. In early 2005, water managers were fretting that the reservoir, by then only 33 percent full, would be nearly empty by now, a bathtub with ugly rings indicating an earlier time of plenty."
Category: Colorado Water
8:44:02 AM