Here's a report about the farmers on the South Platte whose wells were shut down this spring, from the Denver Post. They write, "First they lost in court. Then they lost their crops. Now, about 200 northern Colorado farmers, whose wells were shut off early this summer, are being denied full federal crop-insurance compensation. The losses are still being tallied, but crop-insurance agents say the cut in coverage is leading some farmers to call it quits. The water crisis culminated in May when state engineer Hal Simpson turned off the pumps after farmers failed to prove in water court that they could replenish water they were taking from the South Platte River. In Wiggins, the site of many of the shut wells, desiccated corn stalks have been left in the ground to keep some fields from blowing away. Others are vacant except for weeds."
Category: Colorado Water
5:39:06 AM