The Nature Conservancy: "The Nature Conservancy and the Tamarisk Coalition commended the U.S. Senate for passing the 'Salt Cedar and Russian Olive Control Assessment and Demonstration Act,' a bill that will help control two invasive plant species that have severely damaged millions of acres across the country. The Senate passed the House version of the bill, H.R. 2720, which is the companion to the Senate bill, S. 177. The legislation was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year...
"The legislation, which now goes to the president for his signature, requires the Department of Interior, in cooperation with the Departments of Agriculture and Defense, to study and develop effective methods through demonstration projects to control and eradicate Russian olive and salt cedar, more commonly known as tamarisk. The bill also authorizes some $15 million a year for these activities...
"In Colorado, tamarisk and Russian olive are present in all of the major river drainages, including the Colorado, the Arkansas, the Dolores and the South Platte. A major mapping effort is underway, and preliminary estimates suggest that over 100,000 acres of land in Colorado are infested with tamarisk. Many stakeholder groups have formed to address the issue around the state, and control efforts have been initiated some locations. The Nature Conservancy is working with partners to eradicate the plant from the San Miguel watershed in Southwestern Colorado, and to control the plant along 400 miles river and stream in the Purgatoire River in southeast Colorado. The Conservancy and The Tamarisk Coalition are working together with the Colorado River District to lead a partnership planning effort to control the invasive trees in the Colorado River Headwaters region."
Category: Colorado Water
5:30:49 AM