Monday, January 5, 2009

From the Denver Post: "Colorado is at more than 130 percent of its average, with the basins of the Gunnison and Colorado rivers both at nearly 125 percent of average, which is likely to mean full reservoirs next spring. The South Platte River basin, which includes Denver, is at just 85 percent of average, according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Lakewood, which measures snowpack...
Category: Colorado Water
5:38:56 PM

From the Sky-Hi Daily News (Katie Looby): "Kremmling plans to replace half its water distribution lines, complete maintenance work at its water plant and repair Jones Reservoir No. 2 this year. It will cost $2 million to replace about 10,000 feet of the water distribution line, which will run from the water transmission line to the southwestern part of town, said Town Manager Ted Soltis."
More from the article:
The town used $300,000 from its water enterprise fund and $200,000 from its general fund to apply for a $1.5 million Colorado Department of Local Affairs grant. The town will know if it will be awarded the DOLA grant in mid-April, Soltis said.
From mid-January to mid-February, RJ Consulting Engineers of Denver will begin survey work. From March through mid-April engineers will develop a preliminary and a final design. The town will advertise and take bids from mid-April through mid-May.
Work will also be done to repair leakage at Jones Reservoir No. 2. In 2008, the town tried to determine what was causing the water leak. Information is still being gathered to establish the expense of the project. Work will begin this spring.
Category: Colorado Water
5:21:06 PM
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John Orr.
Last update:
2/1/09; 9:26:43 AM.