Wednesday, January 28, 2009

From the Water Information Program:
Dry Gulch Reservoir Public Meeting:
Start: 02/23/2009 - 6:00pm
End: 02/23/2009 - 8:00pm
To be conducted from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the PLPOA Clubhouse--230 Port Avenue.
For more information, call (970) 731.2691.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
7:15:52 PM

From the Salida Citizen: (Trey Beck): "The Buena Vista Town Council has unanimously voted to accept a GOCO grant for $200,000. Awarded in December, the grant will provide money for improvements to the whitewater park, installation of climbing boulders and construction of a small park and trails near South Main. The Town will also provide additional funds and in-kind support."
Category: Colorado Water
6:44:03 PM

From the Durango Telegraph (Missy Votel): "Next week, the Colorado Water Conservation Board's Southwest Basin Roundtable will be holding scoping meetings throughout Southwest Colorado. The public meetings are an effort to gauge nonconsumptive water needs throughout the state, particularly those related to the environment and recreation.
"'We are trying to find out the areas that are important for recreation and the environment,[per thou] said Chuck Wanner, a member of the Water Conservation Board's Nonconsumptive Uses Subcommittee. 'We are looking to local people to tell us where and at what time of year flows are important, and for what purpose.'"
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
5:59:18 PM

We can't wait for the opening of Grand Canyon Adventure: River At Risk on February 13th. Here's the link to the website.
We hope it's not all preachy about tearing up the Colorado River Compact like the book Dead Pool. Arizona, Nevada and California have plenty of water but they'll need to keep drying up agriculture to water the population. That's what is happening in Colorado.
Don't forget John McCain's desire to renegotiate the Colorado River Compact. That slipped out during the presidential campaign.

Meanwhile California and Nevada are slipping back into drought, according to this report from Water Secrets Blog.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
5:30:34 PM

From the Denver Post (Mark Jaffe): "New and pending oil-shale development rules and leases for new fields -- pushed through during the final days of the Bush administration -- are candidates for review and perhaps overhaul, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Tuesday. 'Moving forward with commercial regulations for oil-shale development is premature,' Salazar said in an interview Tuesday. 'We are going to take a look at all the midnight actions of the Bush administration and see what needs to be changed and which are OK.'"
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Climate Change News
6:43:27 AM

From domain-b.com (Jagdeep Worah): "No matter how well the world manages its ecology from here on, the climate changes already triggered will take at least another 1,000 years to reverse, says new reseaech by National Academy of Sciences."
Category: Climate Change News
6:37:48 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
2/1/09; 9:50:51 AM.