Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From the Cortez Journal: "Jackson Gulch reservoir live content stood at 3,554 acre-feet with a 9,948 acre-feet maximum capacity and a 4,439 acre-feet average (1971-2000) end-of-month content. At Jackson Gulch, a daily maximum/minimum of 0 cubic-feet-per-second was released into the Mancos River, and 24 acre-feet were released for municipal purposes.
"McPhee Reservoir live content stood at 286,024 acre-feet, with a 381,051 acre-feet maximum capacity and a 290,548 average (1986-2000) end-of-month content. At McPhee, 1,857 acre-feet were released into the Dolores River, and 3,528 acre-feet were released for transbasin purposes. At McPhee, a daily maximum/minimum of 31/30 cubic-feet-per-second was released into the Dolores River."
Category: Colorado Water
7:08:11 PM

From the Colorado Independent (David O. Williams): "On the same day a West Virginia lawmaker is expected to introduce the Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2009, the Pew Campaign for Responsible Mining today released a report finding industry subsidies could cost American taxpayers up to $1.6 billion dollars in the coming decade.
"Democratic Rep. Nick Rahall, chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, is looking to reform the General Mining Law of 1872, signed by President Ulysses S. Grant, which allows for the royalty-free extraction of gold, uranium and other hard-rock minerals from public lands across the West."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Climate Change News
6:56:42 PM

From The Mountain Mail (Christopher Kolomitz): "New pipe in a segment of line carrying water from Poncha Hot Springs five miles west of Salida may deliver it to Salida Hot Springs Aquatic Center at about 113 degrees. That would be hot enough the water would require cooling - something that hasn't been necessary for years at the Salida landmark on U.S. 50."
Engineers from Schmueser Gordon and Meyer recommended using 4-inch high-performance, high density polyethylene pipe. Cost of material would be about $53,700 with installation estimated at $459,000. Engineers estimate an approximate temperature loss of 27.9 degrees if the pipe is buried four feet and soil surface temperature is 20 degrees. Adding rigid foam insulation above the pipe would increase total cost about $45,000 and reduce temperature loss by about one degree, engineers said. In their recommendation, engineers said pre-insulated pipe is expensive to install and addition of rigid insulation should be an option in the bid for contractors. The 140 gallon per minute flow from the hot spring source will be pressured at 100 pounds per square inch and should keep the pipe full, meaning less temperature loss and greater flow delivered to the pool, engineers reported.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:24:11 PM

Now this is cool. The Rio Grande Initiative -- a project from the Rio Grande Headwaters Trust -- has scored $7.4 million from various organizations while being designated a Legacy Project by Great Outdoors Colorado, according to a report from The Nature Conservancy. From the article:
A broad-based, public- private effort to protect water and wildlife habitat along Colorado's Rio Grande River secured the protection of more than 2,200 acres and six miles of river after the partners successfully negotiated a series of transactions in the past several weeks.
Spearheaded by the Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust (RiGHT), the Rio Grande Initiative was developed to protect critical private lands along Colorado's 175 mile reach of the river's corridor. Voluntary conservation easements have been placed on four ranches resulting in the protection of prime agricultural land in the Rio Grande Corridor that also serves as crucial wildlife habitat. A fifth easement is currently being finalized.
"The Rio Grande River is truly one of our state's most important natural treasures," said Governor Bill Ritter.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:17:39 PM

Here's a recap of Aurora's safety efforts on the Prairie Waters Project, from Carol Carder writing for Associated Construction Publishers. From the article:
The Prairie Waters Project is a huge undertaking that will boost the water supply of Aurora, CO, by 20 percent when it's completed in late 2010, but safety doesn't take a back seat to anything -- not the aggressive schedule, not the complicated logistics -- as the project team builds the $754-million system.
"Safety has been our top priority since the beginning of construction in May of 2007," said Aurora Water Program Director Darrell Hogan, P.E. "As of the end of October, we have logged 717,189 man-hours with only five recordable incidents, one lost-time incident and 14 utility strikes."
More Coyote Gulch coverage here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:03:58 PM

From the Colorado Springs Gazette: "Colorado Springs Utilities is increasing rates for residents 41 percent for water, 8.7 percent for electricity and 14.3 percent for wastewater.
"Businesses can expect water rate hikes of 43.8 percent for commercial and 42.9 percent for industrial users, and wastewater hikes of 17.3 percent for commercial and 13.5 percent for industrial users. Electric rates will remain flat or decrease slightly."
"The new rates take effect Feb. 1."
Category: Colorado Water
5:52:01 PM

From The Open Press: "The Institute for Environmental Solutions (IES) today announced award of funds to advance a project to reduce and prevent pharmaceutical and personal care and household contaminants in Colorado water through collaborative action by state and local government, relevant industries, and the scientific community. The Colorado Water Conservation Board awarded IES more than $15,000 following favorable review of IES's proposal to conduct a pilot project to investigate community-based strategies to reduce the presence of pharmaceutical contaminants in local Colorado waterways."
Recent studies have shown the presence of small amounts of everyday drugs and other personal care products in both wastewater and drinking water supplies across the nation, including here in Colorado. IES is applying its unique approach to identify and solve the problem through its Emerging Contaminants - Linking Science to Effective Action project. As part of this project, the Healthy Rivers Fund award will support a pilot project with two key objectives: 1) determining consumer behaviors that contribute to the sources of pharmaceuticals and other emerging contaminants in drinking water, and 2) correlating these behaviors with contamination found through water sampling.
The pilot project will be conducted in the City of Golden. A statistically based design will be used to survey Golden residents regarding pharmaceutical and personal care product use and disposal. A targeted water quality sampling program will be conducted to identify the quantities and sources of emerging contaminants in Golden's wastewater. The project is designed to build the capacity and expertise of local government and community members to address community issues associated with emerging contaminants while simultaneously improving understanding or the Clear Creek watershed...
Based on the results of the pilot phase, larger scale remedies can be designed for wider application. A Stakeholder Advisory Committee comprising representatives from a wide spectrum of organizations, including local and state government agencies, academic researchers, medical professionals, drug manufacturers, ecologists, local health care providers, water providers, and water treatment facilities, has been established to guide the project. The pilot project schedule extends through September 2009.
The Institute for Environmental Solutions (IES) is a Denver-based [non-profit] organization dedicated to addressing complex environmental challenges. IES uses sound, independent science to find potential solutions, develop objective evaluation methods, implement strategies, and measure and demonstrate costs and effectiveness. IES's approach emphasizes integration across technical disciplines and inclusion of all potential stakeholders throughout project design and implementation. For more information about the Emerging Contaminants Project and the Institute for Environmental Solutions, please visit www.i4es.org.
More Coyote Gulch coverage here and here.
Category: Colorado Water
6:46:01 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
2/1/09; 9:49:15 AM.