Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Voters won't have Joan Fitz-Gerald to kick around in the 2006 gubernatorial election, according to the Rocky Mountain News [October 26, 2005, "Senator passes up '06 race"]. From the article, "Senate President Joan Fitz-Gerald announced Tuesday she won't run for governor next year because her attention is focused on resolving the state's financial problems. Her decision leaves former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter as the lone Democratic contender, and likely rules out the possibility that a woman will run for the state's top job next year. Fitz-Gerald's announcement ignited a firestorm of political innuendo, in part because she failed to throw her support to Ritter and also because her decision was made before next week's election on Referendum C. She had said earlier she would wait to decide on the race until this election was over, and several Republicans privately wondered whether she has polling data showing how the tax measure is faring. Fitz-Gerald supports Ref C, which she says is critical to recovering from a recession. Fitz-Gerald said several factors influenced her decision, including managing the Senate president's job, implementing the outcome of Referendum C and running a governor's race, all at the same time."

Here's the coverage from the Denver Post [October 26, 2005, "Fitz-Gerald: No governor's race"].

More from Colorado Pols and DemNotes.

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:23:20 AM    comment []

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