Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, October 27, 2005

Here's an article from the Denver Post about Bill Ritter's support of Referendums C and D [October 27, 2005, "Ex-Denver DA gives measures quiet support"]. From the article, "The former Denver district attorney said he strongly supports the ballot measures, but he has offered low-key support at public events - part of a strategy crafted by the ballot measure's backers to avoid being branded a Democratic cause. 'The most important thing for them is to get bipartisan support," Ritter said. "If they made it about me, it would look like a partisan issue.' The style is classic Ritter - solid, not flashy, straddling the partisan divide."

Meanwhile, according to the Denver Post, Bob Beauprez has taken much the same tack as Ritter in opposition to the Referendums [October 27, 2005, "GOP lawmaker displays his opposition carefully"]. From the article, "Head down, mouth mostly shut, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez has managed to successfully walk the middle line that divides the Colorado GOP on the issue of Referendums C and D, political observers say. Although the two-term congressman opposes the budget measures, he has largely stayed out of the political fray. Instead, he has traveled around the state, talking primarily to small groups of loyal Republicans. At every stop, he talks about his position against the referendums, but then moves on to other state issues - gubernatorial campaign issues - such as water, transportation, education and health care. 'He's being very smart,' said John Straayer, a political science professor at Colorado State University. 'He's communicating selectively, muting his public image and finding conservative, carefully selective venues and telling them what they want to hear.'"

Mt. Virtus: "Why is Fitz-Gerald staying out?"

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

7:12:09 AM    comment []

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