Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Monday, September 26, 2005

Bill Ritter has garnered the endorsement of the United Food and Commercial Worker's Union Local Number 7, according to the Denver Post [September 26, 2005, "Ritter gains backing of key union"]. From the article, "The former Denver district attorney has locked up the endorsement of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 7, which represents more than 22,500 union workers in Colorado. Even though the strength of unions has been waning over the years, Local 7's is a key endorsement. And Ritter, himself a union member as a pipe layer working his way through college, received a standing ovation at the AFL-CIO's annual state convention in Steamboat Springs earlier this month. He's also met with local leaders from the Service Employees International Union, one of Colorado's fastest-growing unions."

Colorado Pols: "It looks for now as though State Senator Dan Grossman will be unopposed in his bid for re-election in 2006. When Grossman was considering a run for Attorney General, the line was out the door for those who wanted a shot at an open SD-32. But now that he has made it official that he is staying put, both the top Democratic and Republican challengers have backed off. Grossman's could still get a token challenge, but the top Republican names are looking elsewhere."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:51:21 AM    comment []

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