Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Denver Post has been doing a bit of fact-checking with regard to Marc Holtzman [September 18, 2005, "Questions of credibility dog Holtzman"]. From the article, "'Puffing or omitting information or inflating a résumé doesn't necessarily mean you're lying - it's politics,' said Colorado College political science professor Bob Loevy. 'In that case, the only real response is for someone to make a counter argument, and then voters have to make up their own minds.' Holtzman chalks up the latest attacks as a smear campaign by people who are on opposite sides of November's budget measures. Holtzman has emerged as a leading critic of Referendums C and D, which ask voters to allow the state to keep $3.7 billion that would otherwise be refunded to them under the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights and allow the state to borrow $2.1 billion for various projects. Owens was a key architect of the ballot measures and is the proponent's chief spokesman."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
8:24:55 AM    comment []

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