Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, September 22, 2005

Marc Holtzman writes on his weblog, "I told the audience last night, and it is worth mentioning again, that my sparring with Rep. Buescher showed how it is possible to disagree in an agreeable way, even on issues as contentious as these two tax-and-spend ballot measures. Some of the most vocal proponents of C and D would do well to give Bernie Buescher's approach a try. All too often, unfortunately, the tone of the C and D debate from the side of the measures' proponents has been less about good public policy than about indulging in personal attacks that do little to inform the public about the truly important issues that are at stake in this upcoming election."

Coyote Gulch salutes Mr. Holtzman for creating a weblog and taking the time to post. It's been nearly a month between posts however. I'd like to see a greater frequency of posts. Weblogs are conversations Mr. Holtzman. Short posts on topics that interest you are just fine. Mix them with a long article now and then and you'll get people to listen.

We do want to remind the campaign that the netroots has not replaced the grass roots as Peter Daou reminds us in his article THE TRIANGLE: Limits of Blog Power. He writes, "Looking at the political landscape, one proposition seems unambiguous: blog power on both the right and left is a function of the relationship of the netroots to the media and the political establishment. Forming a triangle of blogs, media, and the political establishment is an essential step in creating the kind of sea change we[base ']ve seen in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina."

Of course Coyote Gulch is offering to help any candidate or campaign start a weblog. You'll need $40 for a copy of Radio and $2,500 or so for a PowerBook, inexpensive hosting from someone like and an Internet connection. We do not charge for this help.

Bill Ritter is gearing up for the long haul signing up many familiar faces as advisors according to the Colorado Pols. They write, "Advising Ritter on his campaign are Mike Dino, Dave Kenney and Greg Kolomitz. Dino previously managed the campaigns of Wellington Webb and directed Rollie Heath's bid for governor in 2002. Kenney most recently directed the campaign for the Denver jail. Kolomitz works for consultant Maria Garcia Berry and previously co-chaired the FasTracks campaign. He was also one of the leaders of Ari Zavaras' failed campaign for Denver Mayor in 2003. It is rumored that either Dino or Kolomitz will take over as full time campaign manager at some point."

Marc Holtzman is angry with Bob Beauprez, according to the Rocky Mountain News [September 22, 2005, "Holtzman camp lashes out"]. From the article, "Both Holtzman and Beauprez have come out against the tax measure, but Holtzman questions whether his rival really opposes it."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
5:07:19 AM    comment []

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