Elevated Voices: "The door isn't open all the way, but Hick is definitely sticking his foot inside. Don't be surprised if we know by mid-January that The Mayor has decided to try to become The Governor."
Colorado Pols: "The Denver Post reports today on what has been a not-entirely-secret rumor in the last week or two: that Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper is indeed considering a run for governor. We've heard this talk for about two weeks now, but we have avoided posting on it because Hick for governor rumors are a little like herpes; you never know when an outbreak is going to happen and there's nothing you can do to stop them from popping up. There's no use discussing the rumors until there's more fire to go along with the smoke."
Here's the link to DraftHick.com and here's the link to past coverage from Coyote Gulch.
Coyote Gulch wishes that everyone would stop calling Mayor Hickenlooper, Hick. 
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:47:36 AM