Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, March 30, 2006

David Harsanyi writes about Bill Ritter and healthcare in today's Denver Post. From the article, "Essentially, his plan to fix the health care system is more of a process. Bring all the players to the table - insurers, insurees, government, employers - and hash it out. After all, he explained, we have more than 700,000 uninsured in Colorado. No one should go without medical care. But we should remember that not all of these uninsured people are "persistently uninsured" and some are also Medicaid- eligible. Additionally, many young adults choose not to have insurance. So the numbers can be a bit deceiving. Ritter keyed in on three major problems that plague our health care system. First, access to care. Second, geographical problems (in rural Colorado, for instance, he explained, some residents have access to a doctor only once a week.) Third, level of care. While it is refreshing to hear a Democrat such as Ritter throw out the occasional phrase like 'personal responsibility,' it was evident that he was staking a position in the winning mold of Sen. Ken Salazar's senatorial campaign...

"[State Senator Shawn] Mitchell, of Broomfield, asked those gathered who support more government and government-run health care 'to at least consider' some of the negative elements of big bureaucracy. Do we want health care run like the motor-vehicle department? Do we want the disaster that awaits us with a "single- payer," government-run health care system? Mitchell pointed out a recent Canadian Supreme Court opinion on that nation's public health care system, which was blamed for producing more inequality and poor care."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

7:09:58 AM    comment []

Bill Ritter, Marc Holtzman and Bob Beauprez will be in Grand Junction this weekend, according to the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. From the article, "A trio of gubernatorial candidates will swing through Grand Junction this weekend and square off for the first time since announcing their candidacy. Democrat Bill Ritter will take the stage Saturday with Republicans Marc Holtzman and U.S. Rep. Bob Beauprez at Two Rivers Convention Center. The candidate forum marks one of the highlights of Club 20's spring meeting. The Grand Junction-based organization, which lobbies on behalf of 22 counties on the Western Slope, brings lawmakers, local government and business leaders, policy experts and inquiring residents to Grand Junction twice a year to examine political, fiscal, environmental and social issues. Club 20 executive director Reeves Brown stressed the forum featuring the three gubernatorial candidates isn't a debate, but he expects plenty of barbs to fly."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:32:24 AM    comment []

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Last update: 3/30/06; 7:33:44 AM.

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