Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Rasmussen Reports: "In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey of the race for Colorado Governor, Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter (D) and GOP Representative Bob Beauprez remain essentially tied. Beauprez now 'leads' Ritter 39% to 37%, well within the survey's 4.5 percentage point margin of sampling error. In late March, Ritter edged out Beauprez 41% to 40%. Beauprez is the favorite to win the Republican nomination over former University of Denver President Marc Holtzman (R). Holtzman trails Ritter by five percentage points, 41% to 36%. Ritter is viewed favorably by 52% of likely voters, unfavorably by 25%. Beauprez is viewed favorably by 48%, unfavorably by 31%. Holtzman is viewed favorably by just 35% (a five-point drop since late March) and unfavorably by 33%, with 32% Not Sure what to think of him. Among Republicans, Beauprez is viewed favorably by 69%, Holzman by 51%."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

7:05:49 AM    comment []

From today's Denver Post: "GOP gubernatorial candidate Marc Holtzman announced his economic plan Monday, promising to give back all of the tax-surplus refund over the $3.1 billion that lawmakers originally requested when they asked voters to bail the state out of an economic crisis. Holtzman's plan would more than double the $500,000 refund supported by his opponent, Rep. Bob Beauprez, who is supporting a ballot initiative that would refund all of the money collected over $3.7 billion. Holtzman said the money would be refunded by cutting the state's 4.63 percent income tax rate. The plan supported by Beauprez would refund the money after it has been collected. Beauprez spokesman John Marshall said Holtzman didn't come out with his plan until after Beauprez supported the initiative."

Category: Denver November 2006 election

6:59:28 AM    comment []

Elevated Voices: "The New York Times takes a stab at analyzing the four competing legislative proposals on same-sex unions that may face Colorado voters in November. The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Responsibilities Act, known as bill number 1344, is the only proposal that for certain will be on the ballot...

"The second is the anti-1344 proposal which would present voters with a constitutional amendment to prevent the bill from becoming enacted or enforced by 'barring legal recognition of any status 'similar to marriage.' There is a third proposal which is designed to defeat the anti-1344 constitutional amendment. It would add a provision to the constitutional amendment declaring that same-sex unions are not 'similar to marriage.' The fourth proposal would make Colorado's legisative ban on same-sex marriages part of the Constitution. It should not be that difficult to get these consitutional amendment proposals on the ballot as only 5 percent of the state[base ']s voters - about 68,000 of them - have to sign petitions. The cut-off date is August 7. Are you confused yet? When in doubt, my position always has been that the Constitution is not a 'rough draft.' If it's not broke, don't try to fix it. Keep it simple. 1344 is the only proposal involving a law, not an Amendment to the Consitution. Same sex unions are a matter for the legislature. It's far easier to repeal a law than undo a provision of the Constitution."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:49:36 AM    comment []

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