Denver Business Journal: "Gov. Bill Owens said Tuesday he will likely call a special session if the Supreme Court does not reconsider its recent decision regarding illegal immigration. On Monday, the Colorado Supreme Court threw out a ballot initiative that would bar many tax-funded services for illegal immigrants, saying it addressed more than one subject. It is a technical violation that could keep the issue, called Initiative 55, off the November ballot. Owens called the Colorado Supreme Court's decision 'inappropriate' and 'arrogant.'"
Coyote Gulch wonders what Dick Lamm said about the decision - in private. 
Denver Post: "The court, Owens said, ignored years of legal precedent and decided the case based on its own feelings, which denied the voters 'a say in one of the most important public policy debates of our time.' Proponents of the ballot question and Republican Attorney General John Suthers said they plan to ask the court to reconsider their decision."
Mt. Virtus: "It is contorted decisions like the one the Colorado Supreme Court made yesterday regarding the anti-illegal immigration initiative that undermine citizens' respect for the judiciary. As has been proven again and again, naked partisanship no longer ends at the courtroom door."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:14:05 PM