Monday, October 16, 2006
North Denver News: "The Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR), meeting in Colorado Springs for the 86th Annual State Convention, announced through its president, Michael Labout, that its Board of Directors had voted to endorse Congressman Bob Beauprez for Governor of Colorado."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:40:08 PM
Pollster.com: "With the addition of House race data to Pollster.com, it is a good time to talk about the difficulty of measuring the status of the race to control Congress at the district level. Political polling is always subject to a lot of variation and error (and not all of it the random kind), but Congressional district polls have their own unique challenges."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
5:48:06 PM
The Denver Post editorial staff is urging voters to reject Amendment 42. From the opinion piece, "Minimum-wage workers in Colorado and across the nation are overdue for a wage increase. But Colorado can't afford to cast yet another complex economic formula into the concrete of the state constitution. For that reason, The Denver Post urges a 'no' vote on Amendment 42. It is the wrong solution to a real problem."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:54:02 AM
Here's a background piece about Referendum I and Amendment 43 from the Denver Post. From the article, "Referendum I, one of two items on the Nov. 7 ballot that address same-sex couples, would grant registered partners many of those same rights and responsibilities. The other measure, Amendment 43, would effectively ban gay marriage with a state constitutional amendment echoing the statutory definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. Referendum I would change Colorado law in several ways, particularly in what some lawyers call "default rules" that determine basic property and decision-making rights. Domestic partners would assume the legal status of a spouse in many situations. And that's the cornerstone of the critics' objections."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:49:12 AM
Rocky Mountain News: "Our choice for the at-large seat is Republican Brian Davidson, a physician at CU's Health Sciences Center and a former member of the Board of Trustees at the University of Northern Colorado, where he was elected as a student trustee. That's a pretty impressive resume for someone who's just 29. Because the development of the Fitzsimons campus is so important to CU's future and to the state's economic development, a regent who is a medical professional offers especially valuable expertise. In addition, Davidson, who is opposed by Democrat Stephen Ludwig, would bring to the CU board his experience with innovative ways to lower student costs other than tuition. That's an important consideration since room and board are typically more than half of the total cost of attending a university. He's also familiar with the high-level administrative house-cleaning CU President Hank Brown did when he took over as president of UNC some years ago, and with surveys of faculty grading policies, another Brown initiative. All in all, Davidson is a strong choice and one likely to dovetail with the president's priorities."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:44:40 AM
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Last update: 11/1/06; 7:46:54 AM.