Sunday, October 22, 2006
From today's Denver Post: "On Monday at noon, Republican Congressman Bob Beauprez and Democratic former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter will debate again. The host is the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry. The event will be at the Westin Tabor Center, 1672 Lawrence St."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
9:15:24 AM

Here's an article about Amendment 43 from the Denver Post. They write, "'Americans are battling about who owns the meaning of marriage,' says Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins University. 'It has a deep meaning here that it doesn't have in other places. It has shifted over the last century, but it's still central.' Marriage in Colorado has shown no significant statistical fluctuation since 1990, and the percentage of men and women in wedlock has hovered at or slightly above the national average, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Slightly more than 56 percent of Colorado men choose marriage and about 54 percent of women. But while the numbers are stable, many Coloradans perceive calls for gay marriage as a threat that would dilute an age-old institution and ultimately affect everyone, not just same-sex couples."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
9:10:00 AM

Here's an editorial from the Pueblo Chieftain penned by Bill Ritter. He writes, "Few issues are more important to Pueblo, to Southern Colorado and to the state itself than how we use and manage our water. Colorado is at a crossroads as to how we allocate water between cities, farms, industries and recreation. The outcome will determine what our economy, our environment and our quality of life will look like. In recent years, the Arkansas Valley has been hit harder than most of Colorado because of water diversions from agricultural areas to municipalities, both within and outside the basin...
"If large scale water diversions are nevertheless pursued between cities and individual farmers, I favor better protections for the impacted agricultural communities. We need to carefully consider how to offset the impacts that can occur. If elected governor, I will bring the affected parties together to identify and implement appropriate solutions."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
8:41:24 AM

In his column in today's Denver Post, Ed Quillen details a few of the reasons why he will not vote for U.S. Representative Bob Beauprez this year. From the opinion piece, "Some time ago, I wrote that Bill Ritter is one Democrat who could make me vote for a Republican. But the Republicans nominated Bob Beauprez, who seems to be quite disconnected from the Colorado that you and I live in. Remember Referendum A from 2003, which would have allowed the state to issue up to $2 billion in bonds to finance unspecified water projects? The measure that was defeated in every one of our 64 counties? A substantial majority of Coloradans opposed it, but Beauprez was for it. Recall Referendum C last year, the measure that eased some TABOR restrictions on the state budget? A majority of Coloradans supported it. Beauprez was against it. So here's a candidate who opposes us on two important matters: water and money...
"And if he believes that Ritter's judgment was questionable - and nobody is going to make the right call every time - then what about his own in picking a running mate, Mesa County Commissioner Janet Rowland? When running for commissioner in 2004, she answered a questionnaire from the Western Colorado Christian Chronicle. Asked how she felt about of 'separation of church and state,' she replied that, 'It's not in the Constitution. We should have the freedom of religion, not the freedom from religion.' It's true, that phrase is not in the federal Constitution. But she forgot the Constitution in answering another question: What do you think the framers of our Constitution meant when they wrote about the 'Right to Life?' That phrase isn't in the Constitution, either; it is derived from the Declaration of Independence (among these rights are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness). Rowland, however, answered that 'It implies that citizens have the right to expect government to protect the life of all - even the unborn.' So when it was time to exercise his own judgment, Beauprez picked someone who doesn't care what's in the Constitution. He makes a big deal out of immigration, yet he wants to leave Congress where he could actually do something about it. He wants to replace a fair tax with a regressive tax, and he's in direct opposition to the expressed will of Colorado voters on water and finance."
Category: Denver November 2006 Election
8:32:52 AM
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Last update: 11/1/06; 7:48:09 AM.