Coyote Gulch

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 Monday, September 8, 2003
Denver November 2003 Ballot

Here's an article from the Rocky Mountain News [September 8, 2003, "Owens clears waters on plan"] about Referendum A on the November ballot. The size of projects allowed under the referendum is the topic. From the article, "In an interview with the Rocky Mountain News, (Govenor) Owens outlined several examples of how the $2 billion could be used. He said he envisions most or all of the money being directed toward small and medium-size water districts with routine projects such as deepening reservoirs, lining irrigation ditches to prevent seepage or strengthening aging dams. But Alan Foutz, president of the Colorado Farm Bureau, believes Referendum A would provide another tool to build certain projects. The CWCB loan program is perfect for small projects, he said, but isn't as useful for slightly larger ones. That's where Referendum A could help. He envisions medium-size projects in which farmers and cities could join forces to enlarge or build a reservoir important to both of them. He cited two such evolving joint farm-city reservoir projects, one along the South Platte and another near Grand Junction, that might fit the bill." The Rocky [September 8, 2003, "Big Straw may be fiscally 'unfeasible'"] also has a short article about the Big Straw project that hopes to capture Colorado water at the Utah border and transport it over the divide to the Front Range rather than see it go unused by Colorado.
5:26:08 AM