Coyote Gulch

September 2003
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 Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Denver November 2003 Election

Two state lawmakers are stirring up more trouble for Wembley around Amendment 33 saying that the company is trying to mask donations, according to the Rocky Mountain News [September 23, 2003, "Probe of Wembley?"]. They've asked Denver District Attorney and Attorney General Ken Salazar to investigate how Wembley companies have contributed money to help pass the amendment. From the article, "Sen. Joan Fitz-Gerald, D-Golden, and Rep. Rob Fairbank, R-Littleton, sent a joint letter to Colorado Attorney General Ken Salazar and Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter. The lawmakers' request for an investigation comes on the heels of a complaint filed by the opposition campaign, Don't Turn Racetracks into Casinos, with the Colorado Secretary of State's Office. In Colorado, there is no limit to initiative donations - Wembley can donate all it wants to promote the measure. But under the state's campaign finance law, it is illegal for entities to mask their donations under another name. Campaign finance reports on file with the Colorado secretary of state show contributions from individual Wembley-owned racetracks but nothing from the parent company. That's because each racetrack makes and spends its own money, according to Ty Howard, president and chief executive officer of Wembley USA." Here's the coverage from the Denver Post [September 23, 2003, "Inquiry urged on pro-VLT finances"].
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