Coyote Gulch

September 2003
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 Monday, September 15, 2003
Denver November 2003 Election

Referendum A is the subject of an in-depth look from the Rocky Mountain News [September 15, 2003, "Dams proposal holds flood of desire, dread"]. From the article, "So far, Referendum A backers have a huge fund-raising advantage. As of Friday, they had collected nearly $471,870, much of it from Front Range builders, bond dealers and consulting interests. Opponents, including a coalition of lawmakers, Western Slope groups and environmentalists, hadn't reported any funds raised as of Friday and have acknowledged they'll be easily outspent by opposition with deeper pockets." Mail-in ballot voting will start on October 10th. Not much time to make a case on either side. The Rocky [September 15, 2003, "Q&A on Referendum A"] has a short Q&A and a table listing some major points for and against [September 15, 2003, "A look at Referendum A"]. The second short article says that the opponents' website is under construction. Hey guys, pop $40 for Radio Userland and get yourself some inexpensive hosting from a company like You'll be up and running in a couple of hours.
4:27:11 AM