Tuesday, February 5, 2002 |
Linky see, linky do: With the help of friends on the Radio list, I figured out how to hack some links into XML, and voila! we have the list'o'links on the left. There will be more. The first three are personal. The rest are practical. If you're a radio freak, or just want to know more about how stations radiate, and where they radiate from, the top 3 of the last 4 make interesting distractions.
9:54:28 AM
Who's hot & who's not: You can see how well different public stations do in their local markets at the Radio Research Consortium's Arbitron Data site. One mind-blower is San Francisco. Search "by market" for San Francisco on the pop-out menu of markets. All the public stations do better here than in any other major market. But KQED's 4.4% AQH (average quarter hour) share is right up there with the top commercial stations. In fact, if you look at the results for commercial stations here, it places them at #5.
6:48:15 AM
Nice: WCPE, the big noncommercial classical station in Raleigh, North Carolina, also streams in MP3. Plus Real, Windows Media and QuickTime. (I see WCPE, like WUNC, isn't listed in iTunes' Radio Tuner. Somebody's gotta fix that.) By the way, it was on WCPE's strengths as a classical station (which are many) that Joan Siefert Rose could make the decision to drop classical music from WUNC's schedule.
6:29:35 AM
Nice: WCPE, the big noncommercial classical station in Raleigh, North Carolina, also streams in MP3. Plus Real, Windows Media and QuickTime. I see WCPE, like WUNC, isn't listed in iTunes' Radio Tuner. By the way, it was on WCPE's strengths as a classical station (which are many) that Joan Siefert Rose could make the decision to drop classical music from WUNC's schedule.
6:28:45 AM
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