Wednesday, March 6, 2002 |
From the Oh Shit Dept: There's a war going on. It's between those who see the Net as a set of pipes for moving content and the rest of us who see it as a place where we're all one click away from each other and the information we choose to share. The US Copyright Office is looking like it will take the side of the former, and will likely insist on a fee structure for Internet Radio stations that would require paying copyright holders on a per-listener basis for the tunes stations play. It would put those stations out of business, and compromise the Net severely. There's more about this at Radio Paradise and at Save Internet Radio.org (which is explained more here). If you care about Internet radio at all, you need to write to the copyright office, and to your congresspeople.
5:36:00 AM
© Copyright 2002 Doc Searls.
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