I was reading about Cake, the band, when I ran across this Guardian Unlimited article about executive branch policy limitations on the investigation of Saudi Arabians prior to the attacks of last year.
It was reported that important people from Saudi Arabia were shielded from telephone and movement observation by the FBI, activities that you know that you as a US citizen, can be subjected to at any time. These important Saudi's included members of the bin Laden family. It is acknowledged that Ma and Pa bin Laden disavow their delinquent son, but they may still have had information or contacts that would be helpful to the investigation of the evil one himself.
Why this investigation of criminal terrorist activities taken such an apparent side track. Instead of the invasion of Afghanistan leading to the arrest and confiscation of a vast underground terrorist network, or even a loosely connected band of bad guys, we are directed to another instance of the showdown between Saddam and his boys, and the Bush clan. Why, ya'd think they was fighting over drillin' rights.
This brings to mind a question about events prior to 9/11: Who was at your energy meeting, Dick?