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Monday, November 4, 2002

Here and Now's Steve Almond recommends reading Thompson's Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail for clarity and ideaism on the election process, even though the author was "drunk or something" throughout the book. That's right, and I shall.

PS. Maybe HST is still on the cutting edge.

Space pundit, James Oberg will write a thirty thousand word piece that denys the allegation that the Apollo moon landings were faked by NASA, which is paying for the article according to Ted Streuli of The Daily News. This is a straight forward presentation of facts that prove that twelve astronauts did indeed walk on the moon from 1969 to 1972, right? No, this is not a simple case of Science vs. Superstition because a very real source of doubt exists in the minds of Americans.

In order to be rid of this "conspiracy theory", our government must do more than pick a few holes in the fake landing evidence. The record of the landings must be complete and completely convincing. We have seen this government lie and cover-up too often to take their word for anything. Although I watched all the landings live, I want to see the proof too.

Belief in a fake moon landing is not a case of incursion of false logic into the realm of science, it is distrust of a lying government. [pointer from Der Schockwellenreiter]

© Copyright 2003 by Chris Heilman.