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Thursday, November 7, 2002

In a statement of not yet acceptance, govenor almost elect Janet Napolitano said that there is not much difference between a centerist Democrat and a moderate Republican. Why then even make the distinction?

All this politics creates a need for levity, and there isn't much that's lighter than helium:

Due to the election, it's the element of the week.

The Arizona election is not as good as it looks from the top. Although we've got an incoming Democratic govenor and attorney general, most of the other offices, including the corporation commission, which is supposed to look out for consumers of regulated utilities, have gone Republican like the rest of the nation. People's utility bills must have been too low.

We also voted to give our sheriff enough jails so everyone in the state can have a bed there. There's a new 'special' right for all the new 'Trend Franks'* conservatives: the right to fall in line.

If only the me too Republicans, I mean Democrats had stood for something, we might have gotten more than 37% of us out to vote, but when there is no choice, there will be no choosing. Now hurry up and go visit Phil Ackley's Alaska cause it's gonna look like Long Beach soon, with oil pumps on every block.

* Recall that Trent Franks, now an Arizona congressman elect, campaigned by spamming, even as far away as Germany.

© Copyright 2003 by Chris Heilman.