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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Since it turned out that we are, after all, a Christian nation, I'd better learn all this stuff. Here's the perfect learning tool.
[thanks to a small life blog]
Oh heck, here's a picture for the Captive Animal series:
D100 with 24-120vr lens at 75mm, f/5.6 using on board flash at ISO 1600. The photo was then channel mixed, curved and sharpened.And here's another.
Cobb quotes the anonymous "T" in yet another put down of the assumed lack of Democratic values: "To most Americans, Eminem is a vulgar nihilist who poisons young Americans' minds. To John Kerry he was a man whose anti-Bush hate video was worthy of endorsement.Bush's claim of support for the American military is Orwellian to say the least. Let's see: 'Mission Accomplished', less military manpower with cuts in benefits, 'Stop-Loss' measures and privatization with an unrealistic pay differential. The administration has increased reliance and extended service for the National Guard's Iraq contribution (used to be, you could just quit the National Guard whenever you wanted, right?), then when something horriffic like Abu Ghriab happens, lay the blame on the people at the bottom, for enforcing a policy that originated in the White House.To most Americans, Hollywood stars are regarded as terrific to watch in films but also as narcissistic ingrates when, between private jet trips to Cuba and Cannes, they express their contempt for traditional America. That the Democrats have a veritable monopoly on support from folks like Sean Penn and Robert "Castro-is-a-great-leader" Redford may give Democrats a heady feeling, but for tens of millions of Americans it merely reinforces their belief that the Democratic Party shares Hollywood's values. Even The New York Times, in a post-election analysis, wrote of "the possibility that activist entertainers' fervent endorsements might have cost Mr. Kerry the election."
To most Americans, the American military is not only heroic; it is regarded as more important to safeguarding freedom than any other human institution, including the ACLU, the United Nations or the university, to cite three major Democratic Party affiliates. To virtually the entire Left, which includes the Democratic Party, the military is, at best, a necessary evil. Otherwise, the overriding doctrine is "Make love, not war." That is why Harvard still refuses to allow ROTC training -- and it is unlikely that either of the Massachusetts senators even finds that wrong, let alone as reprehensible as most Americans do."
(President Bush could have used the resignation of John Ashcroft to build an administration that would be more compasionate, and protective of the American people. I would have suggested former Associate Attorney General and a true hero of the real Terror War, Rudolph Giuliani, instead of the 'torture memo' author, Alberto Gonzales.)
I agree that Hollywood actors shouldn't become involved in politics. Like Arnold "Girlie man" Schwarzenegger, Carlelton Heston and didn't that guy from the 20 Mule Team show got into politics? Same goes for some musicans - like U2 shouldn't get into American politics, but Eminem seems to articulate the conservative agenda quite well.
This is what I imagine it would sound like if Tom Waits covered Marshall Mathers.
(Four megabyte Quicktime audio stream with explicit lyrics, sampled for political commentary only. Sorry Em, it's Fair Use.)
Speaking of Slim Shady ... The Detroit elementary school where my mother taught art in the 60's, Higginbothem School, was sentenced to an entropy death last year. In the 1961-1962 academic year, for the first time in a Detroit school, my mother introduced African and Modern art as well as Classic art into the elementary school's cirriculum.
I don't know, however, if that has anything to do with the naming of the new district just south of 8 Mile in east Detroit:
(My surname was spelled with 2 n's prior to my getting it.)
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