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Monday, May 2, 2005
The Good, the Bad an ... no, wait. It's all good.

I won't say that it went off hitchless, but it was pretty easy. The aforementioned hitch was that OSX wouldn't install at first. It verified it's self, then verified my hard disk. During that, it would end with an error: Please Try Again. Nice and Mac friendly, but decidedly Microsoftian in it's content.

Since it quit during the disk verify step, I ran Disk First Aid (part of Disk Tools) on it, and DFA could not repair a problem it found. Then I ran Disk Warrior, and it found some overlapping files, which it fixed. Afte that the new version of OSX (10.4 to be exact) went smoothly, in exactly the 42 minutes the program predicted.

Photoshop CS2 went even better, taking only 7 minutes to complete, with no errors at all.

Of the two packages, OSX wins the greenie award, producing no garbage, while the Photoshop box left three plastic wrappers that I had to throw away. I've only begun working with these, and I will need to work on a work flow for Raw files using the new Photoshop, but it looks like there will be many more tools available for Raw photo processing.

The movie was great. Julian asked if re-reading the books was a prerequisite. No, the story is actually based on the radio serial, so watch the BBC series if you can. Then watch the characters in line at the galactic bureaucracy.

A lot of reviewers are panning this movie. Realize this is their problem, not that of the movie itself. In 200 years or so, it will be recognized as one of the great epics of our time. Too bad we don't have that long.

Now that I have a new OS, I want to clear out my dock:


Here we go! ...



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