Tuesday, August 05, 2003 | |
Newsgator 1.3 (an RSS news aggregator) is out. Nice Microsoft Outlook integration and support for newsgroups (an area of declining interest). It does require that you download .Net (20 Mb). I suspect the next step with Newsgator is to add publishing to a weblog via e-mail (Manila, Blogger, and MT). Despite what people say about MS Word, the primary text editor people use is their e-mail system. Given the direction of Newsgator, e-mail posting to weblogs is a natural evolution of the product. [John Robb's Weblog]3:10:29 PM Comment []Trackback [] |
Yahoo, Dotcoms Outpace Traditional Giants in Info Market. : Cut through the PR etc, and this has some interesting results: Yahoo and other more nimble upstarts are beating the traditional giants of information content industry at their own game, according to the new research by Outsell. Upstarts like... [PaidContent.org] 3:03:49 PM Comment []Trackback [] |