Wednesday, August 06, 2003

mt courseware update. I’m chugging along on the MT as courseware. It’s forcing me to brush off my rusty SQL skills, learn more about MT plugins, and really think about organization of information. All good things. I struggled for a while with the calendars, because I wanted them to link not to a specific entry (which is the default in the provided templates), but rather to a daily archive. That way all important entries for a given day—due dates, class topics/readings, in-class exercises—would be displayed together on that date. I finally found the solution on Sillybean’s blog, in a post entitled “Various tricks... [mamamusings]
9:46:59 AM    Comment []Trackback []

Google Launches A News Alerts Beta at Google Labs [ResourceShelf]
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David Pollard over at Salonblogs has built some nice K-Logs demos.  Here is a large jpg (view full screen to read the labels) of the elements that go into the display of a K-Log.   Here is a mock-up of an employee K-Log.  [John Robb's Weblog]
9:32:13 AM    Comment []Trackback []

Got some time? Check out ELL's social software reading list. [Steven's Notebook]
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